
Posted by s on May 9, 2008, 2:44 p.m.

8:30 School starts

8:33 Gets out of bed

Perfect timing gets me to school in ten minutes because waiting for buses is for people who don't have a bus synchronized brain clock

Ya, I stayed up probably until 1 to 2. Silly Firefly went to bed at 4:30 or something, leaving me all alone. Such a crazy day it was yesterday, especially with the weird car ride that I'm still not fully sure about. Ya, hitch hiking with half strangers is fun

Q How would you verbally denote a repeating decimal? (0.666 might be simple, but what about 23.245023?)

Anyways, off to maybe eat dinner today

no pa re ci vo mu xa ze bi so

My father once noted how it was fun to count how many times people say "I" or "me". At first I thought "Well, people recount their experiences to propose thoughts", recently I noticed I myself doing it quite often. So I set out to not self reference, while still offering a point. Go on, try it. (For even more fun, go through your day and multiply all numbers you hear by 1000000)


PY 16 years, 10 months ago

ATwenty Three point two four five oh two three oh two three oh recurring

s 16 years, 10 months ago

A Twenty three point two four five with zero two three repeated recipirevomura'enoreci

PY 16 years, 10 months ago

Oh, ok.

I will try not to self reference myself, perhaps.

Silly firefly, half four is early!

stampede 16 years, 10 months ago

Link makes me sad :(

s 16 years, 10 months ago

That image is undeniable, unless you've practised with things like Holocaust Denial