Jacko 6...or should I say someone who is of relations to Firefly?

Posted by s on May 15, 2008, 4:05 p.m.

So yes, my last blog revealed that Jacko 6 is a dupe, one of one who is aware of my objects. To further go on about new members, super_penguin lacks the ability to notice unfronted blogs

Take a tip super_penguin, not fronting blogs means that people don't have it served to them. They come to get it, and that alone makes them more open to what they get. The people who read these jots know what to expect. Coming here with an agenda will only render your ignorance to being in the oblivion ever so much more obvious

Ya, I have nothing to say. Just users to whine about. So how does it feel to come here and just deal with more whining?

Oh well, go read Entropy: A New World View. Great book, science teacher threatened to take it away from me today


PY 16 years, 9 months ago

I thought jacko was, but I never guessed it would be… him. In any case, who'd think to check here for information, but one who knew?

Also, Penguinny made a silly of himself :D

Polystyrene Man 16 years, 9 months ago

You tell him.

Unfronted blogs, the indie 64Digits.

Ferret 16 years, 9 months ago

OH SHOOT!!!!!!

man I just corrected super_penguin…

s 16 years, 9 months ago

Tis funny how obvious Jacko made himself, clearly saying I object to stuff

Advice taken, Poly. And I suppose the unfronteds could be seen as the more indie side of 64D, being more free to experiment and usually of a smaller scale