When you count 100 and lie still awake, count 10000

Posted by s on May 26, 2008, 7:25 p.m.


I reserve the right to post a random link with a thoughtless title when lacking thoughts

One thing that's interesting though is how much you can learn by teaching. Today somebody asked me if I could help them at lunch with their math (Got a 45, so they have to do a couple tests they never did. If they fail, they really fail) and one of the questions was one of the ones which I always understood when told but never when asked. Anyways, I stopped a moment, looked over it, and then realized how it'd work. My issue earlier had been multiplying the isolated variable by 0 when substituting XY

…ya, so I didn't mean to blurb that all. Nothing here, nothing at all. Go on, shoo

Also, just solved #2. I had delayed due to misreading it as asking for the sum of every other fib. Anyways, fib is made for memoizing. So it solved before I could start counting


PY 16 years, 9 months ago

I see.

s 16 years, 9 months ago

All this solving has made me realize something due to reading so many codes from different languages. Python wins when it comes to being readable, hands down