y=3while y<1415:. x=y. while x<1999999:. . x+=y. . g[x]=1. y+=2. while y<1415 and g[y]==1:y+=2x=3y=2while x<1999999:. if g[x]==0:y+=x. x+=2print y(Ya, Python even has a smooth swap like ASM (Okay, so you have to write the variables twice) with x,y=y,x. x=y=0 makes it unugly, so my style of x=0;y=0 is allowed to live free among the grasses. FREE YOU HEAR ME? Ya, that's enough for today. We'll keep Jimmy down and just bloat in this little paranote that I always seem to bloat for some reason)Really could use a tab finder or [tab] or somethingSomething I like is how out in the open defining a function is. With GM I avoid creating scripts. I could probably use lambda moreSo ya, fun day at the volunteering. You know, kids bleeding and yelling with no proper playing of pool. All that fun stuff. I even stayed an extra hour just because there were only 3 people until about half an hour before I leftAnyways, got to go cloud snorkling
Ah, you had me excited that GM was now supporting 3D arrays. Alas, it's not even GML.
When you stop and look at other languages, you really see how basic GML is