
Posted by s on May 28, 2008, 6:41 p.m.

I'm going to have to admit now. When it comes to reading up on a programming language or something, Wikipedia has always been there. But when it comes to that high level stuff, Wikipedia falls flat on its face and starts assuming you know what it is telling you about. Well gee, if I knew what I was looking up I wouldn't look it up now would I?

Been thinking some on that triangular number 500 divisor problem. Tried to brute force it, crashed the computer when I set the CPU priority to realtime. Maybe I should spend more time drawing out a plan?

Anyways, dealt with crying children (again) today. Oh well, I got to play pool. Won a game, lost a game, had to leave before I was going to win a game?

Difference between philosophers and retards: Philosophers state why they stare at the leaves blowing in the wind; Retards don't state why they stare at the leaves blowing in the wind

Oh, look at that. Broke the questioning chain. Whatcha gonna do, cry?


PY 16 years, 9 months ago

No… no, I'll do that when I'm alone…

All alone…

s 16 years, 9 months ago

You're never alone