What is happening to me is not copypasting

Posted by s on June 4, 2008, 9:36 p.m.

Today I broke the cage down to 60%

This means it is only 40% broken

I will probably be unable to break it further for another couple monthes. But in a way, I will break from the other cage

You feeble minded things should now realize that humans are creaturs of repetition

Today I broke the cage down to 60%

This means it is only 40% broken

I will probably be unable to break it further for another couple monthes. But in a way, I will break from the other cage

You feeble minded creatures should now realize that humans are creaturs of repetition

Also, stop acting like a retard. You're not a retard, because you know you're not a retard. Get it through your feeble mind that you're not a retard

You're not a retard because you know you're not a retard and so you should accept that you're not a retard because you know you're not a retard and so you should accept that you're not a retard because you know you're not a retard and so you should accept that you're not a retard because you know you're not a retard, retard

Anyways, enough of that. Enough of that indeed it is enough of that because indeed it is enough of that because indeed it is enough of that because indeed it is enough of that and because indeed copypasting is for people who are too lazy to think about what they're saying twice when they say it twice because their too lazy to think about what they're saying twice when they they say it twice

Doublelinebreaks let people read stuff Doublelinebreaks let people read stuff Doublelinebreaks let people read stuff Doublelinebreaks let people read stuff Doublelinebreaks let people read stuff Doublelinebreaks let people read stuff Doublelinebreaks let people read stuff why are you reading?

Onwards, this repetition is getting old. This repetition is getting really old, so old that this repetition is getting old, so old that this repetition is getting old, so old that this repetition is getting old, so old that this repetition is getting old, so old that this repetition is getting old, so old that this repetition is getting old, so old that this repetition is getting old, so old that this repetition is getting old, but I don't wanna stop and you can't make me. Ya, you can't make me. Ya, you can't make me. Ya, you can't make me. Ya, you can't make me. Ya, you can't make me. Ya, you can't make me

So by now you probably think I've used a couple seed phrases and copied them over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and wow that's a really cool pattern that makes in the input box. But guess what, shove it up yourself wench. Copypaste is for people who don't read what they write because they don't read what they write because they don't read what they write because they don't read what they write because they don't read what they write because they don't read what they write because they don't read what they write because they don't read what they write because they don't read what they write

Really, rewriting things is pretty calming. You get to focus on a pattern of key pressing and watch the text interlock. Kind of like sewing, you don't say sewing people copypaste they're cloth do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? No

So ya, that's that. That's that because that's that because that's that because that's that because that's that because that's that because that's that because that's that because that's that because that's that because that's that because that's that because that's that because that's that

Now really, by now I've surely rewritten past your monitor's view. This implies that you've actually scrolled down to read this. But why?

I think I understand MFA. He writes, and wishes he gets response back on the writing. But no, he gets responses back. Guess what, I don't care about whether you have the letter k on your keyboard or not. I don't care if you happen to be able to note a stylistic form I'm using and then mock it. Why mock it? You don't know? Of course you don't. You don't know anything you do, just like you don't know why you read this. You read this because you have a deep urge to mock. Then so be it. I write out here to dear serprex, from your dearest serprex. But it appears some fools have come by and read our sweet nothings to each other and from which they only understand the words and not the text because they read the words and not the text and with that they don't even have the meaning of the text because they can't even get what the meaning results with

It has struck me. I want to write. Type. Babble. Everything. I don't know why, what, when, where, how, who. I don't really care. I just care that I'm doing it, be it about nothing or not. To that I can say that you do praps play part. Well, you fail pretty hard at it. And with that, I've degraded. As clay in your hand, I've hardened into an ugly chunk rather than a fluid goo to which there was potential for you to shape. You've failed me, you've failed you. Yes, you've failed you who failed you who failed you who failed you who failed you who failed you who failed you who failed you who failed you who failed you who failed you who failed you who failed you

Let me therefore ask, have you read every word of what I've written? Because if you haven't, get out. You say it is tedious and useless, that you know what has been written because you've already read it. Is a case of deja vu to be ignored? I could of said it was tedious and useless to write, that I know what has been written because I've already written it. But I haven't

So yes, this rant has become an I'm better than you case. Guess what, you're not you. You is me and I am you because we are us and you're all them. And I haven't read this, because I don't read things. I can't read things. I administrate Novelas and struggle to read any length of text someone writes. But I can write, and so I will. To this I really must wonder why you've put yourself through this all

Jukio, your reply: I am happening to me

So from that, I greet you



Ferret 16 years, 9 months ago

Your blog hurts my head…

I had the same thoughts about if I were retarded or not!

s 16 years, 9 months ago

Being retarded is for retards

stampede 16 years, 9 months ago


PY 16 years, 9 months ago

Hello, serpy :)

s 16 years, 9 months ago

Yes, mock me. Respond to the final five letters of the final line. There is nothing but the end, memory is a fluid less viscous than the steamiest of hydrogen gases

PY 16 years, 9 months ago

Well, to be honest, I only skimread the main body, so the last 5 letters seemed more appropriate.

s 16 years, 9 months ago

Well, to be honest, you only missed the point, so the last 5 letters were really unappropriate