Early morning I call out to thee and speak in unelegant babble so that you may chatter with me

Posted by s on June 6, 2008, 11:16 p.m.

So I was like I should write but only with no punctuation not even newlines because newlines and periods and commas and all that are for preps and apostrophes are for lazy people who cannot write all the words or just go without putting little dots all over their prose well ya screw prose because prose is for people with punctuation or is it oh wait I cannot question without that question mark character thing and something that bugs me is the word cannot why is it not just can not with the normal negate the verb stuff ya that is kind of bleh English is ugly no pa re me ci vo xa se bi so ya I have not kept up with that stuff and wow this is weird I have lost my flow of thought with the loss of punctuation I can not swim through my thoughts any longer I can not dash the keys and output the sparks which fly and let rest the text so that by now at this length I should of presented an idea but I have only presented the distaste for a piece of syntactic sugar I like syntactic sugar that builds I think Lisp could use some sugar as the syntax is quite bitter and lambda calculus is seeming pretty interesting since it has that whole bd combination like molybdenum and so here I struggle to change flow for without punctuation there is no cut off there is no restructure there is only a string of text which trips over itself and slops around oh and how I have failed to even keep the grammar threaded so often do I cut off and abruptly change into an idea that is all but changed and so from here I state that it is a most horrible thing to write in this manner because there is nothing I can bring myself to write with such awful simplicity of writing because where am I to abstract myself and let be said what I want said to be said by that which I do not say and ack how I beg for that wonderful symbol of rhetoric let me thrust now my blade upon this body I have created for it is of the ugly perfume I do so beg you not sniff more than never


PY 16 years, 9 months ago

I could never sniff one who disregards punctuation to such a high degree.

s 16 years, 9 months ago

Damn prep

JoshDreamland 16 years, 9 months ago

it that is is it that isnt isnt is that it it is

Castypher 16 years, 9 months ago

As if no spacing after punctuation was enough.

s 16 years, 9 months ago

As if I haven't not used spacing after punctuation for the past half of a year. Take a tip from Josh, he makes the most sense out of all of you

ESA 16 years, 9 months ago

No spaces after punctuation is fine, and so is one space. But I can't stand people who use two spaces.

s 16 years, 9 months ago

^ESA also makes sense, nonsensers