I'd be a footnote. The little tiny text that always turns out to be more interesting than the actual book because it contains more information than the overly simplified version of a concept which has been put through so many layers of abstraction that the concepts are receiving personification*. That's what I'd want to be
*Isaac Asimov himself uses personification in Understanding Physics at one point, stating his hate for how he must do so to explain his point. Personnification is, however, a suitable method of abstraction in cases of sociologyBetter than not but best not better. If I could be any part of a book
Posted by s on June 11, 2008, 2:47 p.m.
I agree, footnotes rock.
I agree, randomly generated make senses rock
Oh, so damn true.
They're better than the actual comic <___<Footnotes are cool, as long as they're at the foot of the page. I once read a book in which all the footnotes were at the back. Needless to say, I couldn't be bothered to read them.
I have seen too many people say they use DnD out of laziness.
You should make your lib more publicised, serpydoo.It is very time saving.Asimov & I have 2 things in common.Sci-fi & a crush on Raquel Welch.
(Fantastic Voyage.Hello!)Footnote>Endnote
SciFi>Raquel WelchGML>DnDserprex>serprex-1