
Posted by s on June 13, 2008, 7:05 p.m.

Golden ratio how you bug me, making me forget a single term was my demise and oh ya, I pass English even if I fail so blech

Anyways, I've decided to continue on and note some things about series of series (I hate speaking that, people always think I'm saying series of theories or theories of theories or theories of series, but they don't realize series of series)

1 to infinity can be seried over and over into Pascal's Triangle, I found this while doing series of the arithmetic sequence 1 2 3 4…

Fibonacci is the neat one. I've decided to make the regular 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 sequence 0, because the negatives get weird if you treat it as 1. If you care to see what I mean by weird, go ahead and use the second set of functions I'm to supply (In reality, a negative y (Therefore, what Fibonacci is a series of) should be 0 until the last 1 of the next iteration and then continue a normal Fibonacci)


y=Iteration of series




As for the weird one…




Anyways, math teacher told me I might like university or something with their programs and all. Gave me some link to Waterloo's math thing and said that it'd look good when applying to post secondary with not so flashy grades. The good part about it ten years ago? Multiple choice. Now they have written questions and put down the answer questions. Most of the marks I'm losing in class is lack of work. And when I'm solving these, I'm learning how my work is untidy. So, I'll improve my math class mark by learning to work on paper and I'll have something to cast glare over my not so awesome marks (That is, if I can answer the questions)


Mu6502 16 years, 8 months ago

I have A DVD movie called Dark City & it has Fibonacci spirals in it.

PY 16 years, 8 months ago

Oh, my work is really untidy.

What I do, is do the question in my head, and work backwards to get my working.

s 16 years, 8 months ago

Doing work backwards is for fools, only Fibonacci spirals can do that right