Nemesis was a good read, for 50 cents more so

Posted by s on June 15, 2008, 6:10 p.m.

So yes. I went to my grandparents for father's day. My father got a book, however, so I spent the whole time reading. So that whole trip didn't really matter, besides the fact that I had to sleep on a couch and listen to my grandparents bicker. Crazy people*

rR I have GW 7ABC done. Just need to do 7D. Issue: Random patterns. Every time I go to face it, a new pattern is thrown at me. I can't adapt, I can't memorize. The main thing that gets me through these things is memorizing the patterns. And so ya, I laugh at George who says danmaku is just pointless

Quote: Chess



Ya, rooks can't go diagonal

Another sad quote from that chess game was a mistake of ambiguouity. My offered a trade of queens, and the person moved their queen to be taken for free. I stated "If you're not going to play the game, don't play the game". Of course, the bystander took this to be about the actual game, and told me I should be more encouraging. Of course, I meant the game being the choice of moving the queen or moving another piece. I hadn't thought they would move the queen in a nontrade. So yes, don't use analogies of a generic game while playing a game

*And I'm serious on this one**. Those people have done some crazy stuff, you know. Robbed gas stations, crashed cars. They're the type who always start their story with We were drinking and… Of course, they always bicker over small details. My grandmother has argued with my grandfather over what his hair color was before it went gray. Great listening material

**No I'm not***

***Yes I am****

Who cares, MFA=MahFreenAmeh=Mother Fucking Awesome******

******Yes, I needed some way to end this in a random note

So yes, I've now posted incriminating text my family may frown upon being posted public. Whatcha gonna do, blackmail me?


PY 16 years, 8 months ago

*bookmarbs under b, for blackmail.*

I love relatives who bicker over small details <3

s 16 years, 8 months ago

No, you killed the guy with a 3.5" blade, not a 3" blade

ESA 16 years, 8 months ago

Of course, they always bicker over small details.
Funny how you try to remember ancient facts and details when you're older, but always forget things that just happened.

My grandmother has argued with my grandfather over what his hair color was before it went gray.
Time is like a bagel with poppy seeds, it's a loop. If his hair is gray now, it was always gray :P

Something from this funny book I really like.