
Posted by s on June 16, 2008, 6:36 p.m.

Today while walking into school, I was struck with a chant of "Tataratat tat" and instant bliss struck. No thoughts could pass through the solid noise of "tataratat tat tataratat tat tataratat tat" but then, when reminded of it on the bus home, I found it had lost the rhythm, the beat, and the bliss. The light, the instant glee, the laughter. Gone

Had fun in ball room today. My shoe was tossed into the balls, and I soon after it. Took awhile to find again, with kids being malevolent by throwing balls at me and all. Bah

I decided to work on an objective definition of intelligence. I came to an issue when I had to define an objective way to decide on the complexity of a concept. I've come to a few ideas, but they cause issue. One idea was how many other concepts they related to. But a subjectively complex concept that didn't relate would be seen as non contributing to intelligence. I also had the notion of the layers of abstraction required to understand the concept. This one was shot down pretty fast. May I ask how you'd define the complexity of a concept objectively?

Anyways, Hamsters@Dreamland


PY 16 years, 8 months ago

Balls rock.

End of.

s 16 years, 8 months ago

Not when they're being thrown at you by some oddly minded volunteer, more so when they are given time to accelerate with gravity

PY 16 years, 8 months ago

But… but… :(

Anyway, intelligence is very hard to define. I'd define it… actually, I haven't a clue.

Aww, hamsters are cuties.