Ugly people

Posted by s on June 17, 2008, 4:26 p.m.

Yes, today in science there was much mob movement. Mob looking at marks, mob grabbing ice cream, mob having pictures taken. Can't stand people, lumping over each other. Persons are much better

rR Whole little section here to say I've finally beaten GW7

Odd part is that I beat 7D with 4 lives. Ya, weird how that happens. Did much pattern scouting. Usually I scour on the outside and the patterns end up pushing me into a wall. Other times I get right at the front and a random spurt kills me. But not this time, I just weaved around. The bullets were mercury to my glass ship. Of course, this changes over at IKA8. I've improved my dodging, and that got me through 8A. But 8B is a liar and while I got the first part down, the final part of 2 with the color morphing homing shots always screws me up. And then in 3 there is this random shot of everything that covers the screen, I can't see it being dodged

Anyways, NoodleNog was able to satisfy my thoughts on intelligence. The rate at which one's neurological network is capable of growing and being pruned (The latter being very important, since we never quite get the right answer the first time)

Anyways, go out and find out if Tim Hortons exists around you. They recently released a Strawberry Blossom doughnut it this locality


stampede 16 years, 8 months ago

I can satisfy your thouughts on intelligence. It goes something like this:

Dung dung dung dung daga chika daga chika

dung dung dung dung daga chika daga daga

chika dung dung chika daga daga daga chika

chika dung dung chika daga chika daga chika

dung chika daga chika dung chika daga chika

dung chika daga chika daga daga chika chika

dung dung dung dung dung.

I'm sure this is far better definition than NoodleNog's.

PY 16 years, 8 months ago

Hmm, I'd say NN's explanation was more of the underlying mechanics, as opposed to the actual abstract concept of intelligence.

stampede 16 years, 8 months ago

There's no abstract concept of intelligence. There's only Dung dung.

s 16 years, 8 months ago


PY 16 years, 8 months ago

'Dung dung dung dung daga chika daga chika

dung dung dung dung daga chika daga daga

chika dung dung chika daga daga daga chika

chika dung dung chika daga chika daga chika

dung chika daga chika dung chika daga chika

dung chika daga chika daga daga chika chika

dung dung dung dung dung.' is fine, so long as you're looking for a quick fix.