So layering was totally broken. Then, it magically was fixed
Therefore, I don't trust it. Is it fixed?Anyways, cat is angry. Doesn't like people. Hasn't even startedrRika8B5 is crazy, I got there with 3 and still couldn't reach final segmentStreamlineftp won't let me upload 4 ~25MB OGG files. How sad, have I made you cry yet? No? Well, go watch a bunny get hit by a car then or something you insensitive jerk
Hah, sent the last message and then saw this blog. Looks great.
Ya, working with image width instead of canvas width has frozen it for now
(Fix was such a hack, after img=new Image(), I put img.src="0.png" so that by time it gets to drawing img.width is something)wut
Thanks for another useless message that serves no purpose but to show your lack of willingness to give spend a few moments actually noticing what's going on and giving what you say reason to be read. Have a nice death
It looks fixed.
hi serpy
The End
You're all frauds, besides PY who has informed me that I'm not being tricked by that fraud you know as Cache