Maybe I should start fronting this stuff to get back what is rightfully mine
Either way, I had my usual failings of expression simplification on the math exam. Fun problem was 2*cos(x)^2-cos(x)=0. I converted it to 2*x^2-x=0 and took the return of 0 and 0.5 to get 60,90,270,300 (They really should have us on radians)Gonna go waste time with Cubes nowOh, and I've started DoubleFire kinda againOh, and I'm kinda wanting to kinda start to write kinda againNow, I could post a screenshot of nothing. Or I could continue to babble. Perhaps I should write of the thing there that opened the door. Outside was a sea. The thing fell into the sea, and burned. Burned into the sky where birds circled around the thing and beaked it. Beaked it all night until the thing was pushed to the moon, where lunarians speared it down and ate it in great triumph. So was the tragedy of the thing
So the birds beak objects? XD
Your warns were taken and given to DeathandGrim, I'm afraid.
I lost mine, too. I feel kind of naked without them, my warm, fluffy squares of love.We should beak the modmins into warning us
Oh hey, I met you in Cubes today.
That's kind of a creepy coincidence.