Going north for a 12 hour drive. Leaving in about 4 hours. So I figure I'll let the creeps who get here without an active user list link or a recent comment know stuff that creeps would want to know
I like seeing people dying in the dark aloneOf course, there is that 10 minute period where someone might intrude through casual style, which would detect my woven dialoguesI eat broccoliSo therefore I say only this explicitly:GI dreamt I was a spiral, coiling around your neckOf course, you probably don't understand the greatness of the letter G. Twinsoul was foolish enough to counter the great G with B. But there is no greater letter than GWell, maybe the lambda character. But that's more indirectMaybe I don't know why I want you to know about G, but I think you should. You see, G is who we are. G is who we will be, have been and are. Without G, we would be nobody. Because we are, no matter how you try to state itOf course, redefining being changes the foundation of this sturdy towerReality is what we see. When someone brings up bull about what's real and isn't, they're talking bull. What's real is what we sense. We can't observe anything else, for that would be a contradictionIf I never experience love, then love doesn't exist in my realityAnyways, this is probably going to end up being posted on 25th like the last since it is 0014. I cringe as I do with 2xPostersI hung them in the attic, behind the dead catsYa, too tired to kill you
Nope, 26th.
To get here, I can either go to my page and click on the favourites link, or my favourite, type 'serpy' into my bar, and watch FF3's awesome bar whisk me away.Where are you going, for 12 hours?enjoy your 12 hour drive, and i'll comment for you:
thank you for taking very little interest in my life, and the drive was not fun.i was thinkign about putting the word god in there but I decided you're probably an atheistI didn't try countering G with B. I just haven't made an unfronted blog in a while, and so I typed "b". So yeah.
This is something you might have fun with, serp.
G wins
WF already triedNice to see the time where it was like thisI'm looking for a big chicken, that's why I came back (searched lambda)