Obel couldn't resist the power of spirals+Sorry uglyman, I just couldn't do it+13

Posted by s on July 5, 2008, 2:30 p.m.

Let me revisit the discussion of Intropy. Juju ended with a fantastic comment (contradicting his original point, if I understand, but all points should be for truth) and I had nothing to add. To this, I said Amen

A peculiar word. One which stands best alone, sounding round and soft. And in a most elegant fashion it says, I agree without addition or subtraction, you have spoken truth in some form of what truth may be most properly

So yes, been thinking about single worded things. I think that may be what got the word sick being used. A showering foreshadow ending most sharply. Able to be changed with expression and voice, it holds a place to calmly hold a tone. Then again, thick seems more suitable in metaphorical possibilities for the meaning, so I'm really not sure of what I'm saying anymore. So I'll stop lexically analysing things and instead post a scrambler

…You know what, who cares? Ya, who the heck is going to sit around reading some person make obvious assumptions on sources of words and their sounds. And then after that, be handed some weird thing that shifts stuff over open indices to give up some chopped up result. Really, the world is scrambled up already as it is. You've got to be insane to think it needs more stirring. So ya, go be insane with yourself and leave me out of it

Really, always going off and acting all innocent. You aught to be snuffed for the stuff you say you don't do. Sure sure, you weren't the one who burried the bodies in the basement. Sure sure, you weren't the one lynching people in the evenings. Say all you want, I know the truth. You're a crooked crook if you ask me

Next you'll tell me that I was the one who buried the bodies. Well, I don't see you proving it much. Sure, I'm covered in blood. Who isn't? You think you're not covered in blood? Well, you aren't. But that's not the point. The point is that you're filthy. What's this? You're still not done? You still want to talk about the people you lynched last night?

That's it. I give up!


Polystyrene Man 16 years, 8 months ago

Sorry to completely ignore your blog, but how did you get rid of your badges?

s 16 years, 8 months ago

PY worked magic on IRC, and I asked how. I was going to kill him for stealing our dream, but then I noticed he put a word in for me

Read the news post, melee answered you directly