Now I'm off schedule, you silent lambs+Rawrspoon's Request

Posted by s on July 12, 2008, 9:05 p.m.

If it is requested we front more, I'll front this unfront that was not meant for you to read upon

There is nothing to say but that which is never said, and so I say that which needs no saying now. This has no relevancy, but to state the obvious (It'd contradict itself if it wasn't obvious, right?)

Browed a couple lisps

Qi (got CLISP to run it, but I could never get it really working (Except now I find where lispinit.mem is, so I guess I can look into Qi before deciding it was a lie(Haha, found something to bitch about with it: Case sensitive, with uppercase functions)))

Clojure (Some weird NetBeans REPL called enclosure could be used, but NetBeans is weird so BLEH)

They both seemed interesting, though Clojure seemed to have some silly points (Should give it more time(Though really, thing.var is nice compared to (. thing var)(Though I like their doto, wish I could find that with Python to not have to go s. so much)))

Josh still hasn't recovered from when he found out how function oriented Lisp really is(He first reacted to <, he was more prepared for .)

I've not done any fractals since last, so I've no fractals to show. I've still the intent. Some jaweidler decided to pesk me about Mandelbrot, refuses to remove anonymity. So while they remain ambiguous, I remain ambiguous of Mandelbrot

Go on now, stop suckling knowledge. Knowledge is too fluid to be transported from one mind to another. Go out, harvest the water that you can but watch drain back into the soil it was quenched just from

And now, that you've left to quench the unquenchable thirst that you suffer from, I dare say I feel to babble. A babble is something I've not done for long enough and it seems everytime I do it I come out in a high. My sights of the world become perplexed, I've questioned things that are not to be questioned and when I see something new in this new state of mind I question it to why it is and all it can say is that it is. Why is that we are in this universe, a few collections of energy in this vast universe swindling together in a void of that one thing greater. Let's break the dimensions and climb inside each other, we'll sit and be hush and when the Universe notices our defiance it'll chuckle that we hide away from it within each other and confide things to those within us that we have not confided to ourselves who are in us

Let us dance among the flatlanders

(Except you people who passed upon this babble due to the request of Rawrspoon; I don't want to dance with strangers)


gamerman 16 years, 7 months ago

That person is me, I thought I said that already?

I'll go harvest more.. water then, I just need to find water that isn't muddy.

s 16 years, 7 months ago

Delicious is the mud we find still laced upon our feet

F1ak3r 16 years, 7 months ago

We must all do what we can to bring an end to this blog drought. Now someone start a fad, and someone else hack the site/cause an incident/come back from the dead/sign up and humiliate himself.

Cesar 16 years, 7 months ago

yay blogs =D

s 16 years, 7 months ago

F1ka3r, please, no more fads

RawrSpoon, you'd probably like a "View Unfronted Blogs" option in preferences

frenchcon1 16 years, 7 months ago

i see you've been exercising your minimalistic tastes

Cesar 16 years, 7 months ago

I actually would