Found a copy of PyOpenGL 2 ported over and BAM works
So I've nothing to say, have some ugly Tiny Lisp;defun cons car cdr if equal 1+ 1-(defun nah (x)(if x nil t))(defun add (x y)(if (< y 0) (-sub x y)(if (= y 0) x(add (1+ x) (1- y)))))(defun -add (x y)(if (> y 0) (sub x y)(if (= y 0) x(-add (1- x) (1+ y)))))(defun sub (x y)(if (< y 0) (-add x y)(if (= y 0) x(sub (1- x) (1- y)))))(defun -sub (x y)(if (> y 0) (add x y)(if (= y 0) x(-sub (1- x) (1+ y)))))(defun mul (x y &optional z)(if (= y 0) 0(if (= y 1) x(mul (add x (if z z x)) (1- y) (if z z x)))))Decided to play around with the Turing tarpit version of lisp programming. Josh is a sadistic freak and only loves me more when I utter such ugly things to him :3(Don't worry, I'm gonna be playing with PyOpenGL, which implies graphics, which implies fractals)It appears PY has leftIt seems everything is conspiring against me and working
Posted by s on July 14, 2008, 12:13 a.m.
Sorry, been a tad distracted with other things.Well go get distracted with Carnage Hearts or something, thing seems a bit complicated yet quite interesting
A… playstation game?
Look like w wierd programming language to me =)