Yes, that's right,
JOSH IS A SISSY!Why? Because he won't convert
for({a=0;b=1};a<5;{a+=1;b-=1}){show_message(string(a)+" "+string(b))} into a
a=0;b=1;while(a<5){show_message(string(a)+" "+string(b));a+=1;b-=1}(If you do not believe, put it into GM yourself)
So ya, I might never use for{}, but that's beside the point. The point is that
JOSH IS A SISSY!Now you know,
can't let him get away for being
A SISSY!(Credit where credit is due, Bryan showed me this quirk of GM)
K, message spread. You are dismissed. Unless you want to read about stuff like how the water meter reading I took this morning was 2222
Bryan, that language is Lisp. That language is beautiful, and Josh hates it with a passion. It is a language of simple syntax and is a case where it is preprocessor, compiler and scripting language
Carnage Hearts is crazy. Beautiful AI system, I found it while rereading the Wikipedia article on Befunge (Yes, I really do reread Wikipedia articles, and I've probably rereread a few. Can't say I've done much rererereading (Well, full rererereading))
Anyways, blah blah blah you I me no maybe, PY got the whole wrap learned finally. So I'll stop blabbering about my lost identity that you're trying to steal from me. I'll have to move on from that rut
Because you see, we are we. This statement is most certainly true, and it is how it should be seen. Built up are cells (which vary in some areas), to which their collection make us (One may be more precise and go over organs). But are we the final product on the line? No, we are simply the first sentient being on the line
(I'll assume anything that can question existence is sentient, so some humans aren't sentient, but still)
So anyways, from MEs we make WEs, and these prove more complex. Making comparisons of a human anatomy to the higher level anatomy is like making a comparison of the human anatomy to the cell's anatomy. You might find some things, but it won't get the whole thing. Where does this chain end? Just as the cell sacrifices itself for the good of the human body, the self should sacrifice itself for the good of the social body
Of course, cells aren't sentient. But I believe society is more sentient than self, and we should work to empower it in evolving beyond our short lives
MADNESS!L.I.S.P. = Littered In Stupid Parenthesis
Actually, I love working in Lisp… no matter how ugly it may be.Ya, Lisp is neat. Still, I can't disagree when it comes to the superior awesome of Python
As for the madness, tis not my madness, but that of Josh's. We must (And I exagerate by no margin when I say must) demand he convert multistatement for{}s into while{}sBut wai?
And they're not equivalent, the variables in the while version have more scope than those in the for version.Also while loops can go suck a big fat cocksickle mainly 'cause GCC is too stupid to optimize while(true) into a jmp instruction but it will for for(;;)
You're thinking in C. GM doesn't really have scopes, besides var. But yes, then there is a scopting issue with Enigma. Still, for({};;{}) is valid GML syntax and Josh planned to follow GML syntax. Even if he skips out on functions that don't apply, he should be beaten to his word on syntax
And you're reasoning against GCC doesn't apply in this case. I doubt one would go for({};;{}){}thanks for stretching the page, Onii
My mistake
Sissy? Ooo Sissy Spacek the actor.I thought you were great in Carrie by the way.