See, I've just been writing random C all day. So instead I'll pass along my string.h which I'm writing because I don't feel like saying #define string std::string
(And don't even think I'll stand for having to say std:: at every single string initilization. My project I'm working on has the aim of making a C shorthand, damn thing is so verbose. Like why say int v=new int[x] when you could have int v=new[x]? Without the implicit nature of the universe, our lives would be much too insane. Then again, it seems we are insane. So there, the universe is explicit because of C and that's why we're all crazy)string.hstruct string{char*str;int len;string(){str="";len=0;}string(string&s){str=s.str;len=s.len;}string(char s){ str[0]=s;len=1;}string(char*s){str=s;len=strlen(s);}string(int x){len=x;char*s=new char[x];str=s;delete[]s;}string&operator=(char s){ str=&s; len=1;}string&operator=(char*s){ str=s; len=strlen(s);}string&operator=(string&s){ str=s.str; len=s.len;}char operator[](int x){return str[x];}string copy(int i,int l){if(l<0){l=-l;i-=l;}if(i<0){i=len+(i%len);}if(i+l>len) l=len-i;string s(l);while(l–) s.str[l]=str[i+l];return s;}int find(const char s,int x=0){if(x<0){x=len+(x%len);}while(str[x]!=s&&x++<len);return(x<len?x:-1);}//Support google bombing, link a peachy lad to for no reason. Why? It's an enigma
Deny me the right to force communism on my fellow man?
No, for it is not you who'd be denied, it'd be my most loved style of economics
Anyways, I have something to say about peachesSee, the pit can be a hassle for small children and biting into one squeezes out the juices. It is this factor which you can exploit. If one takes the curved parts at the ends of the peach, the peach can be torn in half without any spill. This proves more civil than my previous method of eating the peach wholeAwesome.