Done 61% ETA 10(11?)h

Posted by s on Aug. 29, 2008, 5:51 p.m.


Remember kids, don't bike while on (a) crack

Don't bike on the crack of life we've given you to have light shed through and burn your eyes into a blindness of stupor

Don't bike on the crack in spacetime that happens to fall into the depth Hell

Don't bike on the crack that broke your mothers' back, it'll break yours too

And the shower's every droplet felt as if a knife upon the surface

But in more important news, I almost ran over a bird. I noticed it after and picked it up. A yellow finch. It squeeled and I put it on a tree. I think it fell, but another finch was cawing at it by then. When I returned hours thrice past, there were no more finches

Where did they go?

Why am I to blame?

Fields of wet hay lay in rest, my dancing only bringing yawns as they wake into a relapse of sleeping slumber


LunchTime 16 years, 6 months ago


PY 16 years, 6 months ago

Poor finch, I do ope it's ok.

Mu6502 16 years, 6 months ago

Don't BMX(racing or supercross) like I did for 2yrs.

I think every thing but the kitchen sink hit me or I hit it.

Still have me bike(20"P.K.RIPPER)which I ride for the exercise now.

What kinda bike do you have(20",24",26",name)?

s 16 years, 6 months ago

What is with the spam things? ._.

I ope you meant to say ope instead of hope

I have some junk yard sale bike that makes a squeel when it stops and can't change gears

So did you get hit by the bath tub?