Today I biked back and forth, trying to choose how to go home

Posted by s on Sept. 10, 2008, 3:17 p.m.

In the end I decided not to choose

Now have Validity's Existence chapter


Awakened, I sleep in slumber. Where? Well here, I’d think. But maybe not. As a child they warned me about chatting with Universe, always not referring to it directly. Wills can shape our world, but whose will is stronger than Universe’s?

And so now I’ve fallen from Aether and entered the material world. From whence we came we may return. I’m a caged soul, and my vessel is buried. Except not anymore, since a most convenient force has lifted me from the soil. My eyes are missing, I suppose I wouldn’t want to see my rotten flesh though. It used to be beautiful, at least relative to what it is now.

Lacking sight is a bit of a pain. My lacking a brain would probably stir most, but I don’t think I need it really. Then again, I probably do. I might want to figure out what is storing my thoughts, they have to go somewhere. Brains are pretty cheap, warehouse storage costs more even at the lowest of prices. Perhaps it is my own will? No, I’m not that willful. But perhaps amongst mortal men I am.

So then there is the issue of heart. It seems someone had the joy of running off with it. Well, I’ll just have to will myself to move until I can come across someone who has a heart worth stealing. Or maybe I can strike a deal?

Alright, I’ll stop sitting around and thinking and start acting material. I am animate. I am Animate?

Yes, I am Animate. That’ll have to do for now. I’ll push the arms back (quite sore, I’ll not fail to mention) and push. Do I do it now? I could. Or could I? How predetermined are my choices? How constrained am I to this material world?

My thoughts of fate were cut off by a howl, perhaps I’d know what had howled if I had eyes. But I just heard the howl softening with distance as I raised myself. I’d best leave, I wouldn’t put it past Universe to raise me in a society of materialists that burn their fears.

A few steps, and I hit myself into a tree. Was it a dead tree? Am I dead person? No matter, I needed to figure out what I was going to do. Why, all I did was deny that the conscious of a woman can’t mix with the conscious of a man without nullifying gender of the merged conscious. Universe is just a pout, locking me up here for disagreeing.

A few more steps later, I tripped over a grave. It must of been my grave, because the fall was pretty steep. More than six feet, they must of wanted to make sure I’d never rise again. Who was I? Am I still who I was? Maybe I’d find out if I knew where my memories were going. But how does one follow their memories?

No matter, I’d have to find a way out of this grave. I walked along the perimeter and aligned myself to face across the shorter length. Then pushed my shoulders back and started stepping upwards. A few sore pauses later, I was at the top. It seems zombies still get tired, and I was in no mood to run into more obstacles. I crawled for awhile before resting behind a grave I’d bumped into. A few minutes, then I’d get around to finding a pair of eyes.


ESA 16 years, 6 months ago

Thank you so much serprex, you've given purpose to my boring Thursday

PY 16 years, 6 months ago

And Friday.

s 16 years, 5 months ago

Today is Thursday? The joy, I thought it was Tuesday or Wednesday