Possibilities occur

Posted by s on Sept. 19, 2008, 6:14 p.m.

I'll refer to my last blog for this one. I saw someone, and decided I wanted to dance about with them and let them know what I'd done (Outlined in the blog previous to the previous) but failed because they were gone. Quite a pity

Well today I decided to do it again, this time with a person who sat behind me in science last year. So I biked around him telling him he was doing it wrong, and eventually we got down to how he always went home the same way and how he should go out and seek a new experience. He shouted over some other people (A russian and the guy who lost against me in chess because he wanted to play Mario Kart) and I twirled around looking at yardsale paintings. Lalala boring blah circles circles

Eventually my banter on taking new paths gets Russian asking me random philosophies. Mainly started when he needed to know the second law of thermodynamics (My favorite)

Science peer left home, not having taken a new path. I wasn't done though, so I followed along with Karter and Russian chatting on about philosophy. It was nice to not be asked questions trying to figure out how retarded I was, but instead asking me how I perceived the universe. During this time I picked up a couple walnuts. When I through threw them at Karter, he yelped. Louder with the larger nut

Mall was ugly. I mainly started complaining about how everyone was frowning. Some employee asked me where I got my hunting jacket (I was wearing three layers, quite exhausting) and eventually we settled down

The way back wasn't so Q+A in discussion. Russian started talking about ideas on systems having an innate force towards balance and we chantered on about that until we both came to the agreement I just outlined

During this time I biked around random things. Like circles of small children. I also tried to say hello to an angry person at some school, and told a truck driver that he didn't want to turn left when his left blinker was on

In all the topics, I kept coming upon this idea that life is for experiencing new experiences. That the universe being finite makes life beautiful, because there are only a finite number of experiences we can experience from an infinite selection

It was certainly a good spending of three hours, thirty three minutes and thirty three point three repeating seconds

I don't know, maybe it was just nice to be talking with people who knew what I was saying even through my method of outlining implications instead of just saying what I want to say. I felt at peace, able to speak as naturally as I do online

So there, even unfronteds can be long. Poly use to do that, curse his beautiful soul


ESA 16 years, 5 months ago

In all the topics, I kept coming upon this idea that life is for experiencing new experiences. That the universe being finite makes life beautiful, because there are only a finite number of experiences we can experience from an infinite selection
I really like that idea

When I through them at Karter
So you threw them hard enough to make holes?

PY 16 years, 5 months ago

oh poly :/

s 16 years, 5 months ago

Glad you like the dull sparks I have to work so hard to spark