Yesterday I failed again, but I think I'll blame my bike

Posted by s on Sept. 23, 2008, 2:54 p.m.

When I look around me I see people full of cheer. But what are they happy for? They're not going anywhere, they're going to live out life with a smile and die blind

Babble's parser is now 222 lines of procrastination while I try to figure how to use system() to compile with g++


PY 16 years, 5 months ago

But what's the point of life, if not to be happy?

(Obviously the biological aim is to reproduce, but from an abstract point of view, what can one hope to achieve if they aren't happy?)

s 16 years, 5 months ago

To be happy of the sweet flavor you taste of your fruit is to stand for yourself with pride, but to be happy with the rations supplied to us all is to accept the lesser fate

Mu6502 16 years, 5 months ago

Hope you don't mind but I did your name in a techish style.You can invert,highlight or do what ever you want with it,it's yours.

Could you put all the code in the o_yn object for the highscore thing or what ever you got so far and PM it to me.

When you go to the highscore room and press enter on yes dose a text box pop up and then you enter your name and press enter to go to highscore table. Im having isp problems at the moment.I can only be on at night so bare with me.

Small Cows 16 years, 5 months ago

Hello, my irony-finding friend.

s 16 years, 5 months ago

Happy twenty third, my unknown friend

And Mu, how dare you offer a creation of your obsessive isometricism while asking me to implement a system that will now have to actually be finished? Blasphemy, that's what you all are

I've set my wallpaper to this so to not forget

Edit: Got insertion kinda working (Output is weird, seems to chop up at the end and ya, but at least it's doing something)

Ferret 16 years, 5 months ago

I like the banner! g++? is there such a thing? If so, it's time to move on to java…

PY 16 years, 5 months ago

A banner!!

s 16 years, 5 months ago

G++ is GCC's C++ compiler