
Posted by s on Oct. 26, 2008, 5:28 p.m.

It started with foolish moves and vain sacrifices after e4c5 d3Nd6 Be2…, ending with four losses and only a single win. But they were only pawns, and while they were devoured the knights had positioned themselves to take down the lie of religion. Without anywhere to go, another pawn was taken down before a holy war was able to declare no more sacrificed pawns. Pressing forward, the Queen came out to watch as a gate keeper was struck. Chaos followed, taking down knights and having both sides worry themselves. In the shadows white became an atheist, and eventually the King was cornered by the gates of foe, his escape held back by the oppositioned forces of religion

My musical tastes have been fast evolving in the past couple of days. The blunt techno has been being blasted away while I've started tracking down some stringy works by Stars and Arcade Fire



Mu6502 16 years, 4 months ago

Where's Debug?

s 16 years, 4 months ago

Not here

Though I did find use for GDB today while tracking bugs in Ue. Everything works except macros now. GDB scared me though, even after turning it off I had to restart Dev to not have 69105x compile time

Small Cows 16 years, 4 months ago

Arcade Fire is great. Check out Clinic.

Nice name change. Single letters. Clever. Mmmhmm.