Alright, so you admitted to it

Posted by s on Oct. 29, 2008, 4:01 p.m.

So you cheated, that isn't so bad. You could of done worse, right? It isn't like you were cheating when you cheated, follow?

If you thought that was the case then you'd be wrong. Because you're a disgrace. It doesn't work that way, you can't just go around acting legal with illegals

So maybe you can, but that doesn't mean you should. Slow down, it isn't going to stop you. Sooner or later you'll see

Except you won't. You're blind

Except you're a liar and you see everything. You just act like you don't so that others don't see what you see

They see what they think you see. You are their mirror, and you've lied

How can you sleep at night, knowing all this?

Will you ever tell?

How are you able to hold on, never letting go?


Mu6502 16 years, 4 months ago

Something far worse than cheating would be- to accuse someone of cheating and then prosecute and convict them,when in fact they did not cheat.

PY 16 years, 4 months ago


s 16 years, 4 months ago

But Mu, everybody cheats