Humming in the shower

Posted by s on Oct. 30, 2008, 10:05 p.m.

I forget. Almost. It was about morality. The tiers of duty with faith being a template over a law. Where the being of humanity has gained the rationality so that the cells can understand why they do the things they do. That the atheist is the one who denies these templates, and therefore uses rationality primarily in choice. And then it came that there are those religious people who conclude that they know God exists. If they know it, and don't just believe it, then are they atheist? An atheist doesn't deny God, an atheist denies faith. If one does not have faith in God, but knowledge of, then one is atheist. But would they still believe in God without knowledge of?

And then I came back to the idea of realities. That we each have a reality which are ven diagrams to each other when realities interact. That there must be a universal reality which offers us things to perceive. But then nothing exists in our reality until we perceive. And I can't accept that. I'm not a fan of solipism, it doesn't make sense. Because if conciousness is the result of biological systems developing from complex systems that evolved over time, one must relate to what a rock perceives. It perceives nothing, but the matter it is exists around other things or something I don't know I guess maybe I'm lost go away or maybe it just doesn't work so realities can't be individual because everything I perceive can't be from internal creation. I couldn't of imagined all of this, I'm only capable of perceiving it. Can I go now?


Mu6502 16 years, 4 months ago

Is It just me,or dose the bible have some fuzzy math in It?

s 16 years, 4 months ago

Pi equals 3, now shutup

PY 16 years, 4 months ago

if Pxi =3, what does Pxy equal?

s 16 years, 4 months ago
