Beware of rotten wake

Posted by s on Nov. 13, 2008, 9:23 p.m.

So everything has to be built. Being the only person with programming experience, I'm pretty much senior programmer. Which means I get to put the foot down and declare Basic ugly, and C++ win. And therefore I get to say that the chip will not be programmed with Bascom because Basic sucks. End of discussion

Though I do have to figure an 8051 C to compiler

Over at Novelas a group of mavericks have risen and created an Fiction (wiki?) oriented IRC: irc://

Success, my 45 is now a 60. Now I just have to listen to my school counciler who states that I need to eat a proper lunch (A box of coconut cookies isn't lunch?)

Stayed at school late again. Lots of fun listening to a bunch of people argue in Arabic

Sometimes my mind goes away with my body, and other times my mind is calm/busy and just notices that my body is acting out of line but doesn't care. Nice when both mind and body are calm though

Wait a second, out of line? Society's line is too screwed up to be called a line


ESA 16 years, 3 months ago

Another channel to lurk in. Wait, serprex was drunk?

durka durka

s 16 years, 3 months ago

I wasn't drunk, though the convenience store owner selling bongs in the front case asked me if I has smoked up

ESA 16 years, 3 months ago

We've got cafes dedicated to these babies here in turklestan

s 16 years, 3 months ago

Bongs are such pretty things, really could have an art gallery of them