Damn coffee mug handles

Posted by s on Dec. 1, 2008, 3 p.m.

So before the physics test I jabbed my finger and blew myself a ring of blood

I didn't finish with the speed I usually finish with, but I did finish all but the last question with confidence. Last question was on the topic of weights on pulleys and I was like blah

Philosophy was torment. Tired, we were forced to watch a show on random artists and take quoted notes for the whole period. First artist I missed 1. Second artist I missed 8. Last I missed 11. Focus just died

But of course that's not the point. Why am I even saying this?

I saw a good movie (Watched ending twice, middle once and never saw the beginning) called waydowntown

But again, that's not the point

You see, there is a point. And the point is that this point is the point of having a point

But of course that's total bull

So what is it that is going on here? I don't know

But I do. Because I'm orchestrating it all. My marionettes have run away and so I'm left to perform the play alone. Surely I must know it then

Except I don't

So what do I do? Improvise

>>> def f(x):return x+1

>>> y=2

>>> eval("f")(y)


And of course everybody needs static variables

>>> def f(x=[[]]):

print x


>>> f()


>>> f()



RoyalSmacketh 16 years, 3 months ago

I'll pull the curtain.

s 16 years, 3 months ago

It's not over you son of a bitch