Instead of converting the function name to hex, the function name is now encoded with a radix of 63
0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijlmnopqrstuvwxyz_Alright, Luda wins. Names are now held in a hash with a counter so that new names get a new ID (This conversion was simply a replacement of the radix conversion with fewer lines of code because I was already memoizing)With all the name shuffling though I finally got around to commenting the outputted assemblydef fac{:if{: – . *}{++}}BecomesF1:;:if.2 { : – fac() * } { ++ };{:if.2;{===cmp long[esp];}===je ELSE1BEGIF1:;{:push long[esp];}:;{–dec long[esp];}–mov long[ebp],FCALL8add ebp,4jmp F1FCALL8:;fac();{*stackmul;}*jmp ENDIF1ELSE1:;{++inc long[esp];}++ENDIF1:;}:if.2sub ebp,4jmp long[ebp]I should work on the single line macro explanations being bloated to 3 linesAnd . syntax turned out to simplify the syntax. &. and . can be used for recursion, which is kind of useful when you're using an anonymous functionRather than hardcode CharacterBuffer to be constant in name, I've modified the inline ASM to have a #identifier system to inline desym() usage. Good to expand macro system rather than hardwire thingsAfter reading of regex, I have a want to use it in the parsing. But of course, that'd probably just make things worse. Works with implementing Thue thoughIf this seems overly dry to you, blame PY for taunting me with cookies. But just in case it isn't, here's a Rue fib ruleset\.0::=.0–::=–91–::=02–::=13–::=24–::=35–::=46–::=57–::=68–::=79–::=8(?<=\D)\+\+0::=10^\+\+0::=100\+\+::=11\+\+::=22\+\+::=33\+\+::=44\+\+::=55\+\+::=66\+\+::=77\+\+::=88\+\+::=99\+\+::=++0\.1(?P<fib>\D|$)::=,\g<fib>\.2(?P<fib>\D|$)::=,\g<fib>\.(?P<fib>\d+)::=.\g<fib>–.\g<fib>—-,$::=++,\+\+::=++++^\+\+::=1I'm thinking of adding imports and classes. I've added the ability to add rules for rules infinitely, and I'm thinking of doing classes in that ugly Java way with the file per class. Then you'd do :class{texttoparse} for class.txt to parse the bracketsAnd there
Most certainly not