I have to ask myself that at times. And then there are times I'm asked that
Last night Bryan straight out asked me if I'm autistic. I'm not sure what caused him to ask, and I'm unsure how to ask him. I don't like answering questions I don't have the answer toLast night my father was going on about a lot of interesting topics but I was tired so I just shunned him. I really wish I hadn'tWhat has caused this silence? Is it that you were watching my decay and now I've found the escape that ends the show or is it that I have already decayed and there is no more to see?I've been inspired to learn pi up to the Feynman point. I prefer to stay finite, since I wouldn't want to be attempting anything illegala 3.b 141592 653589 793238 462643 383279 502884c 197169 399375 105820 974944 592307 816406d 286208 998628 034825 342117 067982 148086e 513282 306647 093844 609550 582231 725359f 408128 481117 450284 102701 938521 105559g 644622 948954 930381 964428 810975 665933h 446128 475648 233786 783165 271201 909145i 648566 923460 348610 454326 648213 393607j 260249 141273 724587 006606 315588 174881k 520920 962829 254091 715364 367892 590360l 011330 530548 820466 521384 146951 941511m 609433 057270 365759 591953 092186 117381n 932611 793105 118548 074462 379962 749567o 351885 752724 891227 938183 011949 129833p 673362 440656 643086 021394 946395 224737q 190702 179860 943702 770539 217176 293176r 752384 674818 467669 405132 000568 127145s 263560 827785 771342 757789 609173 637178t 721468 440901 224953 430146 549585 371050u 792279 689258 923542 019956 112129 021960v 864034 418159 813629 774771 309960 518707w 211349 99999…Rue is 50 lines. With all the simplicity I thought it was compared to Postal, it is already 1/5th the size of Postal. Program size is logarithmic to complexity?I've also not worked to simplify Rue as much