
Posted by shadowstrike32 on June 8, 2007, 9:51 p.m.

Well, its that time of year again i suppose. Finals. woo. and i have so much crap to do that it really isn't even funny.

Here is a short list:

-Comp sci project (a complete database engine)

-History project

-Chem final

-about 3 months of Spanish makeup work

-studying for about 16 tests in the last 3 days before exams

-studying for exams

so yeah, this really isn't fun at all, nor is this comp sci project. Have you ever tried parsing a string into an equation tree? it isn't fun at all…

alright so in other news i guess i have a lot to catch up on, considering my sparse blogging:

1) i just written possibly one of the most advanced and most efficient equation parsers that i have ever written- it supports assignment, boolean, integer, and string operations, as well as full variable support. It is used for querying a database with a string, and is much better than the data bin project that i released about 8 months ago. i think i should translate it into c++ and make a package…

2) following this whole string of relationship blogs that i have noticed… yes ill admit it i am in a relationship. and a pretty serious one at that. I wont go into the intricate details, but i found that the girl i liked also liked me a LOT before we started dating. There was initially, though, one of her stalkers that kept asking her out on dates, even though it was quite obvious that she wasn't… available. to put a long story short, we essentially put forth a team effort to break this kids heart so he would leave us be. oh, those were a fun two weeks.

3) its official- i haven't played a game of any sort in over 6 months. Jesus.

4) have you ever had people talk major trash about you behind your back? apparently getting a girlfriend has started a wave of something in the male community at my school… I'm infamous for some reason. its quite funny; feeble minded people must rely on demoralizing other people in order to turn attention away from their own faults. Oh- i love society.

I guess thats it for now. if you are reading this, good job for surviving my stress and negativity put to words.


Bex 17 years, 4 months ago

unlucky. I hate exams!