pokemon nation progress

Posted by shadowstrike32 on June 27, 2005, 11 p.m.

well, im doing pretty good on the engine so far, so far im done with databasing all 152 pokemon, and all 167 or so moves, it took hours out of my life to do, but its finally done. ive just got to finalize my battle enine, and i'll relaes the fourth beta! :D!

things that still need to be done:


<li>items database</li>

<li>items subsystem</li>

<li>yet <i>smoother</i> room transiitions</li>

<li>finalization of storyline</li>

<li>implementation of storyline</li>

<li>a few more event-style objects ;)</li>


if anyone wants to help me with this, email me at shadowstrike32@gmail.com , and i'll eventually be making a site for this game.

signed- someone.


firestormx 19 years, 8 months ago

Holy crap! You databased it all?! Woah…

shadowstrike32 19 years, 8 months ago

yes, i databased it alll…

all 150 pokemon with 20 attributes each. so what is that, 3000 cells in excel?

firestormx 19 years, 8 months ago


That's insane…