I made up with my router and WTF CAMPING?!

Posted by shadowstrike32 on Aug. 23, 2006, 1:38 a.m.

Well i finally figured out what the problem with my dmaned router was. Apparently i wasnt running the latest firmware, so it had become unstable and prone to crashing. I still think linksys sent a subliminal signal to my router to tell it "OMG STOP WORKING". pfft stupid linksys.

Anyway its working as good as a wired connection again, except there are no wires and i can go anywhere again.

Well anyway i have been informed that i am going camping next week. GAH i hate the great outdoors. there are no standart RJ-45 jacks anywhere, or AC power outlets to plug into. Only a tent and a fishing rod… how camping can be fun for a person like me is boeyond me.

but whatever im being forced to go and leave my laptop behind.


This is going to seriously hinder the development of a game i am making. WTF shadowstrike makes games?! never would have guessed huh? =p

And also on a more recent (as in as i am writing this blog) i notice that WM player is using 20% in mini-mode. WTF. seriously stop. its almost as if my latop is chugging… there are times where it takes my text like a quarter second to show up in this textarea. WFT?!

-edit- lol it was the stupid software equalizer.


<img width=320 src="http://64digits.com/users/shadowstrike32/Paper_Mario_U_snap0005.jpg">

PWNED! (^^btw i multijumped that goomba like 90 times)


Is this the real life? or is this just fantasy?


melee-master 18 years, 6 months ago



shadowstrike32 18 years, 6 months ago

Shush i feel bad enough =(

Firebird 18 years, 6 months ago

No computer??!?!

I kinda feel your pain. But not much. [:P]

melee-master 18 years, 6 months ago


(^^btw i multijumped that goomba like 90 times)

Pfft. More like 60.

twisterghost 18 years, 6 months ago

Paper mario = best game ever created ever in the history of ever and no game will ever be better.

Such a good game.

XD Bohemian Rhapsody.

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 6 months ago

Paper Mario ftw wewt!

shadowstrike32 18 years, 6 months ago

Melee i really did get him 90 times. In my next blog i will show the record and i swear it was on that goomba.