Database scripts!

Posted by shadowstrike32 on Aug. 23, 2006, 2:17 p.m.

Well as i am writing this i am creating a set of scripts that can read/write/create/update/search .dbi files. This is an extremely important feature in a game i am making, as most RPGs have vast amounts of data that identify items, monsters, charactors, etc…

anyway s far here are the features of the script:

file format: .dbi

-header contains: number of coumns(char), datatypes(noc*12)

-body contains the database data

-lower sections: fulltext index and column indexes.


-creating a new database table/file

-adding rows to the table

-editing rows in the table

-getting a row in the table

-finding a row in a table based on a simple query

-returning a query as a datastructure, and functions to convert and sort into arrays


numerical integers at 1, 2, and 4 bytes

numerical floats at 4 bytes

string values at 1 to 255 bytes

future capabilities:

-fulltext searching

-Blob text support (greater then 255 i suppose)

-binary data type support for image databases and such

If you have any other ideas for what to add to these scripts then post them. Im always up for a challenge. Fulltext searching is to be included later because i know how to do it, but i am still clarifying it with myself.

I will be adding the scripts later today, as i am ironing out a few bugs as i write


<img width=320 src="">

Toldya, i got 90 power bounces on that paragoomba melee.


caliper. hell yeah.


melee-master 18 years, 6 months ago

Haha, guess so. Those scripts sound great.

Firebird 18 years, 6 months ago

Ooh, scripty goodness.

Tyranic-Moron 18 years, 6 months ago

those scripts sound awesome!

a way of linking them together would be handy, say you had 4 characters, and they each had a load of items/skills, it would be useful to create an item/skill table for each of them, and have them linked to the character table.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it would be good if you could make relational databases.

shadowstrike32 18 years, 6 months ago

If you code them right you can