Well as i am writing this i am creating a set of scripts that can read/write/create/update/search .dbi files. This is an extremely important feature in a game i am making, as most RPGs have vast amounts of data that identify items, monsters, charactors, etc…
anyway s far here are the features of the script:file format: .dbi-header contains: number of coumns(char), datatypes(noc*12)-body contains the database data-lower sections: fulltext index and column indexes.capabilities:-creating a new database table/file-adding rows to the table-editing rows in the table-getting a row in the table-finding a row in a table based on a simple query-returning a query as a datastructure, and functions to convert and sort into arraysdatatypes:numerical integers at 1, 2, and 4 bytesnumerical floats at 4 bytesstring values at 1 to 255 bytesfuture capabilities:-fulltext searching-Blob text support (greater then 255 i suppose)-binary data type support for image databases and suchIf you have any other ideas for what to add to these scripts then post them. Im always up for a challenge. Fulltext searching is to be included later because i know how to do it, but i am still clarifying it with myself.I will be adding the scripts later today, as i am ironing out a few bugs as i write—EMULATOR ANTICS—<img width=320 src="http://64digits.com/users/shadowstrike32/Paper_Mario_U_snap0021.jpg">Toldya, i got 90 power bounces on that paragoomba melee.—RANDOM TOOL—caliper. hell yeah.
Haha, guess so. Those scripts sound great.
Ooh, scripty goodness.
those scripts sound awesome!
a way of linking them together would be handy, say you had 4 characters, and they each had a load of items/skills, it would be useful to create an item/skill table for each of them, and have them linked to the character table.I guess what I'm trying to say is that it would be good if you could make relational databases.If you code them right you can