Yeah, i was just playing in a clan war on an old first person shooter. I got tied up in it for no apparent reason (im not a part of the clan), but they told me i was good and that i should assist them in a grudge match against a rival clan of theirs. So im like well-wasted 3-hours of my life. I had the posistion of backup engineer, and i was the one who was supposed to repair the objectives without actually killing anyone. BORING… but whatever. The clan lost the grudge match because one of our engies <b>ciribotted</b> up…
^^yeah thats the title-relevant part of my blog.^^back to real life… GAH SCHOOL STARTS IN A WEEK. I cant wait really, its been such a boring summer and i want to get into calculus and computer science.Another thing… Can anybody here give me some tips on floating-point variable types? I mean i know how to use them and what they do… but im more interested in the 32 and 64 bit types and the actual structure of it. I know this much: (s= sign bit, e = exponent bit, m = mantissa bit)s - eeeeeeee - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm <- bit structre 32s * pwr(2, e) * m <- assembling the numberand i dont know how to break the number down into it's exponent and mantissa. if anyone could give me some advice or links, that would be great. The IEEE specification didnt help much… it allready assumed that i knew the forumlas.—Emulator antics—<img width=320 src="">Stupid goomba…—Random Stuff—The lunatic is on the grass….the lunatic is on the grass….remembring games, and daisy chains and laughs…got to keep the loonies on the path.—Usefull keyboard shortcuts—(firefox)(CTRL + TAB)- switch tabs(firefox)(CTRL + MOUSE1)- open link in new tab(AutoCAD)(Alt, V, B)- enter orbit mode.
Paper Mario pwns.
Tru dat
Was the game TF:C?
How far are you in Paper Mario? I'm upto the part where Bowser gets the Star Wand (Really far I know)
Just kidding. I'm actually up to where you get the Stone Hammer.dude ive beaten it like 50 times… its so fun.
the screenshots are just me playing around =)paper mario ftw
do you have it for the project 64 emulator :0?Yup hobo. and it owns.
i got paper mario 2 for the gc!!! PWNAGE!