I hate my school.

Posted by shadowstrike32 on Sept. 5, 2006, 2:45 p.m.

whoops if this showed up without a body sorry.

Anyway, my school sucks even more then it did last year. It is the first ciribotting day of school and i allready have an essay to write by friday and a 7 page math assignment, not to mention a skills test for my programming class. ugg i hate school.

moving on though, i have like the coolest math and history teacher ever. They make the lessons… fun. They also have a humane sense of humor unlike my last math teacher who though homicide was funny. kinda reminds me of cartman from south park.

Why does my programming class have to be in JAVA?! well because thats what the AP test is based on. WTF?! C++ outranks java in class, speed, functionality, and all out power. java is one of the worst of the languages for x86-based processors, and is just soo… ick. Why did i spend the summer learning c++?

sorry, no emulator antics.




DFortun81 18 years, 5 months ago

Dude. I had to write an essay the first day and it was due the next day, typed, double spaced, 6 paragraphs, with 11 sentences each. Plus… I hate English (the class)!

I'll be taking that next semester… So it's JAVA, not C++? :(

shadowstrike32 18 years, 5 months ago


melee-master 18 years, 5 months ago

Pfft. I'm taking IT 11 (11 is the grade. I'm in grade 10 though), and the language we will get to use is Real BASIC… I hate any BASIC lanugage. We also have to use iMovie, work on web design (oh god, this is gong to be so insanely easy)

Firebird 18 years, 5 months ago

You think YOUR IT classes suck?

Amarin 18 years, 5 months ago

Lol. No PROGRAMMING (PERIOD). I hate it. We're doing NOTHING. I don't have IT class yet. Second half of the year. Freshman year here.