Dude whoa v3?

Posted by shadowstrike32 on Sept. 11, 2006, 12:13 a.m.

go <a href="/v3/">Here</a> To see v3.

You are greeted to a nice 404 error page, right sucker?

Yeah, i know its dissapointing, but thats the way i felt when i saw the newspodt on the front page. it was misleading.

I still havent found the asswipe that took my calculator. He will be sorry he took it when i find him. It will need to be surgicaly removed from his… well… you see where im going with this…

Anyway the databin thing was coming along great until i hit a management error in the UI and now i have to rethink the ENTIRE UI all over again. ugg i hate it when this happens. It has to do with window layers, and making sure nothing is selectable underneath a selectable element. kinda annoying.

Also, does anyone know how fast the surface_to_sprite function is (r whatever the correct name is)? Im thinking about using that function alot because it can be really usefull. why surfaces can have transparency is beyond me.


blueBX 18 years, 5 months ago

I did not feel disappointed until now. [:(]

Acid 18 years, 5 months ago

I took it. [:P]

shadowstrike32 18 years, 5 months ago
