Horrible Public Computers

Posted by sinkhead on Aug. 21, 2006, 8:59 a.m.

For some wierd reason I'm using a Library computer, surprisingly enough in a Library. And how I wish I wasn't. The machine itself isn't that bad, and neither's the screen. In fact, it's quite a nice setup for a library. Unfortunatly, the good comments end there.

The screen is set at an absolutely stupid resolution (about 400x600 by the looks of it), for all the people they think come to the library that presumably can't see. Fine. I have no problem with the people who need bigger icons and text, but why not have one or two computers out of the six here that DO have a massive screen size.

Second problem is the filtering. OK, so it's easy enough to get past (I have a CGI proxy on my site and about 10 other PHP proxies on some free hosting websites, I have the addresses saved in a text file on my server) but the free hosted proxies are incredibly slow, and my host doesn't really like me setting up a proxy.

It blocks ANY type of discussion board. Any page with even the word 'h*ll' in it, and any online games websites where you talk to other people, simply because they think the average teenager has the brain of half a sheep and will give out their address and phone number to anybody who asks.

My third big problem with Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council is their obsession with not letting you save anything AT ALL. Period. You can't save it to a USB drive, you can't save it to the C drive, h*ll (D*NM THOSE FILTERS) and the only way I can save things is by opening an FTP window in IE (they won't even get Firefox) and saving it to my own webspace. If my suspicions are correct, they are doing this to make money from the printing charges, which aren't actually that bad (10p a colour sheet of A4).

Now I must go, as there's BIG GREEN TEXT scrolling across the screen telling me I have 5 minutes left. Well guess what? I DON'T CARE. I'm going home, to go on my proper computer, play Animal Crossing (on my GameCube, I'm still saving up for a DS) and have some food.

- A very angry Sam


Kaz 18 years, 6 months ago

Holy crap, 640*480 is like 1 character a page. I struggle reading the large text in 800*600 resolution.