
Posted by sinkhead on Aug. 23, 2006, 1:25 p.m.

This is a very wierd blog. It's like a patchwork quilt, made of little snippets of everything, but I was bored and I havn't blogged today. Let's get started then:

<hr /><b>Animal Crossing Auctions</b><br />

I came across this recently, and it's like eBay however it's called NookBay and you can buy and sell things on Animal Crossing. <a href="">Clicky</a>. I don't have a DS yet (I'm getting closer!) but it does look pretty good. If you have ever used it, please let me know what it's like…

<hr /><b>Nintendo DS</b><br />

This carries over from <a href="">my older blog</a>.<br />

I've got £50 now (I earned £15 then spent it at <a href="">Alton Towers</a>) and I'm going to get about £15 at the end of thisweek because I'm doing a daily paper round and I normally do a Sunday one for which I get paid £5. The downside however is the time I have to get up: <b>5:50 AM</b>. Then I have half a mile uphill cycling, and 30 papers to deliver. They're not very heavy, but it's been raining for the past 3 days and all the people complain that their paper is creased from me pushing it through their letterbox. Then I tell them thattheir letterbox isn't really big enough, and try to politely tell them that if I leave their paper on the step it will get wet, and if I push it through it will get creased. And no, it's not my fault that your dog chewed your paper either. Seriously though, the type of people I'm talking about seem to LIVE to complain.

<hr /><b>Thingymabobs</b><br />

Why not make the blogging text box wider?

<hr />

<b>New website</b><br />

Yeah, I'm re-designing me website. I got the new inspiration from <a href="">Vertigo Gaming</a> so my website will look a bit similar. Not a lot though.

<hr /><b>Anyway</b><br />

I've said all I want to say, and I'm tired so I'm going to watch TV. Or maybe not. In fact, I'll work on <a href="">DOS_TANK</a> some more.

- Sam


Theonlywonderboy 18 years, 6 months ago

Pounds not dollars no we must kill him…j/k

sinkhead 18 years, 6 months ago

England ROX UR SOX!!! Because Pounds are cool because I understand them… £££££££

sinkhead 18 years, 6 months ago

Not that I have anything against other currencies…

melee-master 18 years, 6 months ago

Oh god, not Nook Bay. So many n00bs are there. This one girl was paying lots of money for someone to become their AC boyfriend. It was the saddest thing I ever read. XD

Cesar 18 years, 6 months ago

sad? it's a sucker giving away free money, what's wrong with that?

sinkhead 18 years, 6 months ago

I must resist the temptatation to run a macro script on Nook Bay, that puts 100000 pieces of junk on…