Stupid Server

Posted by sinkhead on Aug. 26, 2006, 12:46 p.m.

Argh! My server is down. Great. Thanks a lot <a href="">EcwHost</a>. Normally they're really good. The people that own it chat to you on MSN and stuff, but I digress. You have out deepest, most profound gratitude.

Is there anything else you will be donating today?

Oops. Sorry. Animal Crossing Fever.

Also, I got £15 from this week's paper round, which is good. And I'll get £5 tomorrow for my Sunday round. Then I'll do that next week for another £20 then I will have £90. Then <a href="">GameStation</a> will let me trade in my GBA:SP for £20 then I'll have £110 which is enough to buy a Black DS Lite with Animal Crossing : Wild World!

Also, our wireless router broke about 4 months ago, but we didn't really need it any more as my computer now has a wired connection, but when I knew I was going to get a DS I rang up Belkin support, and they told me that my router was in a faulty batch so a new one should arrive within 3 working days!

<b>Best. Customer. Support. Ever</b>



I have <b><font color="skyblue">BLUE</font></b> meat.


The end.

- Sam


<b>EDIT:</b> Fixed typos and made link to GameStation work


poultry 18 years, 6 months ago

Ehhh… DS can't play GBC games =/

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 6 months ago

Argh! My server is down. Great. Thanks a lot EcwHost. Normally they're really good. The people that own it chat to you on MSN and stuff, but I digress. You have out deepest, most profound gratitude.

Is there anything else you will be donating today?

Oops. Sorry. Animal Crossing Fever.

It happens…

WaleedAmer 18 years, 6 months ago

Ehhh… DS can't play GBC games =/

I know… That really sucks[=(]

sinkhead 18 years, 6 months ago

I don't really have any GBC games… However I do have quite a few GBA ones that I will still be playing on my DS.

Oh, and the games I am going to get will go like this:

1) AC:WW Included in DS bundle

2) Mario Kart

3) Opera for DS

I think they sound good…

Cesar 18 years, 6 months ago

that really sucks, as in the ds can't play gbc games… i love kirby: tilt-n-tumble… but i can only play it on GBC and GBA…

anyways, great games you should buy:

Animal Crossing: Wild world*

Mario Kart DS*

Metroid Prime Hunters*

New Super Mario Bros.

Super Mario 64 DS

Kirby: Canvas Curse


those are the best ones out so far…

*the ones that have wi-fi have a star by them*

sinkhead 18 years, 6 months ago

Which one is better, New Super Mario Bros or Super Mario 64 DS. I still have my old N64 and Mario was one of my all time favourites. Now I've completed it. I think. Well, I've done the final boss battle, I know that much.

And DS can play GBC games, but not DS Lite.

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 6 months ago

You need 120 stars to talk to Yoshi and you get 100 lives.

Till you've done that, you aren't done. [:)]

sinkhead 18 years, 6 months ago

[:(] I mainly use my N64 as a party console, like when my friends come round we used to play Mario Kart and Goldeneye but now we play Mario Kart Double Dash and Nightfire…

Cesar 18 years, 6 months ago

get super smash bros. THAT's a party game…

sinkhead 18 years, 6 months ago

I have SSBM on GameCube [:)]