Today I caught a hammerhead shark on AC! That's my second one in the 3 days I've had it!
The only reason I'm writing this is because my web server is down. Oh great. According to <a href="">my web host</a> there's a problem with the hard drive and they're due a new server anyway, This has kind of distrupted <a href="">GM CD</a> but never mind. They've ordered a new one.Also, I really should get some more work on DOS_TANK. But now because I can't use GM at school (tey've baned porrtable applications) and I've now got my DS I won't be able to get much work in.My wireless router still hasn't arrived. If it doesn't get here by friday, I'll ring up Belkin again.I think this qualified as long enough to be shown on the front page, I hope so anyway.Day two of year 9 starts tomorrow! - Sam
Wow , you really got much bad luck these days. Warning , ban , school , webhost…
how can they enforce that ban? meh use it anyway XD
Hm.. If the harddrive fails, they should have sort of raid setup atleast which would mean it would continue to work fine.
My host is usually pretty good, but they're not very big. The server does have 2 hard drives, but they're not in an array.
year 9 eh, you can look forward to starting your GCSEs next year. Oh what fun…