Today (with story!)

Posted by sinkhead on Sept. 12, 2006, 3:25 p.m.

You probably don't want to reead this, but just for kicks I put it in. It was my English essay!


<s>It was a sunny day and the sun was just rising over the tops of the houses.</s> For mid July the weather wasn't ovally warm, but it had been raining for the past few weeks so nobody was complaining. Unusually, the bus pulled into the bus stop on time and I got in, payed my fare and sat down.

The bus pulled out and drove off out of the town, towards the Pennines, and this is when the first wierd thing happened.

Normally, the other cars overtake the bus, but today the bus was overtaking the cars. 'This isn't normal' I thought. 'The bus must be doing at least 50 miles per hour'. Then a sticky liquid started oozing out of the crack between the driver's compartment and the compartment door. This wasn't the first time this had happened, drivers occasionally spilled their drinks and considering the speed he was doing, I wouldn't have been surprised if he had spilled his drink.

Once we got past the resoivoir, the bus usually goes straight on, into Ripponden. Today the driver seemed to think we were going a different route and pulled onto a small country lane, still going incredibly fast for a bus.

Things were starting to get pretty strange now, and a couple on the bus seemed to sense that. The man got up and walked towards the front of the bus, from about halfway down the bus he shouted to the driver 'Hey, you're going the wrong way!'. All the driver replied with was the word 'Diversion' in a raspy, high pitched voice.

The bus is now about 10 miles down this little road, and suddenly everything is plunged into shadow.

I heard a grinding noise, and then a huge crash, so I looked behind me.

About 50 metes behind the bus is a large metal box about 10 metres each way. The wierd thing is that it is glowing.

I turn to look the other way. The driver is stood there, but he's not the same driver as when I got on the bus.

There's a blipping noise coming form the cube, and the glowing is pulsing in time with the blipping.

Then I saw what the grinding, crashing noise came from.

A hatch had opened from the side of the cube, and I didn't like the look of the things that were coming out of it.

Then people on the bus started to panic, they were grabbing the emergency hammers and smashing the windows, running away. I didn't know what to do. I ducked as a laser bolt shot past my shoulder, hitting the windscreen of the bus, shattering it. The shards of glass hit the 'driver' and at once he fell to the floor, blue blood pouring out of his wounds. The presumed aliens had made their first mistake, they had killed one of their own men. This seemed to make them very angry. They started advancing forward, even faster. When another one shot past (nearly through) my head, I saw that the laser beams weren't actually lasers, they were glass tubes filled with that blue glowing material. The blue material seemed to eat away things on contact. My theory was proven to be correct when one of the roof supports on the bus was eaten through and the roof dropped several inches. The field in which we werre was now littered with bodies, both human and alien. Once the aliens were dead, it seemed they stopped glowing. I pondered to why this was.

All of a sudden, the ground started to shake, and thousands of the blue vials started shooting upwards into the sky, piercing the bus over and over. I suddenly realise that my whole body was being eaten away by the acid from the cracked vials, I fell backwards in pain and a vial shoots through my body.

All my thoughts turned blue.

~ ~ ~

When I woke up, everything was black. Immediatly, I jumped up but banged my head on something metal.

It's the bus roof. I paniced again, 'I'm not buried alive am I?'

I shouted for help, thinking nobody would answer or worse, the aliens would answer.

I saw a hand reach through one of the holes made by the vial, and realise that it's a human.

The other passengers had defeated the aliens by bending the roof and directind the vials towards the aliens, apparently the result had been spectacular. The cube had exploded into tiny pieces and seemed to have scrambled the other aliens, sending them to the floor.

An army helicopter landed and a team of men jumped out and cut off all exits from the field. One by one we were forced to sign a declaration of secrecy, and were made to promise not to ever tell anybody about this event.



<i>It odes have some spelling mistooks in it because my final copy is saved on my school FTP space which I can't access at the moment</i>

Anyway, with that done, let's blog some more!

I had maths today and yeterday and I've seriously learned more in these last 2 lessons than I did in the entire year 8. We have a pretty cool teacheer who's just the right amount of strict-friendly and he lets us listen to music in lesson if it helps us work.

Also, I've started using Opera as a web browser instead of Firefox. I still like FF, but the memory leakage was annoying me. Probably because I had so many damn plugins.

Does anybody know what Iced Gems are?

<img src="" alt="These are yummy!" />

The school ICT technician payed my in these and early-lunch passes to re-configure all 60 school laptops to the new wireless networks. IF you can't guess, early-lunch passes let you in for lunch early so all the food is still nice and hot and there's plenty of the good stuff left.

There was also 3 other people helping me, so it only took one lunchtime!

I re-designed <a href="">my website</a> recently too. A few people have said it's too dark but oh well.


<u>Friend codes</u>

<i>Animal Crossing ; WIld World</i>

<font style="background-color: black; color: white;" size="+1"> 2062-3646-5491 </font>

My name: Sam

Town name: Pengland

<img src="" />

<i>Mario Kart</i>

<font style="background-color: black; color: white;" size="+1"> 463934 - 775983 </font>

My name: Sam

<img src="" />

If you add me, PM me and I'll add you. I'm on WiFi most evenings.

Hope you enjoyed this rather long blog.

- Sam

<img src="" />


Bryan 18 years, 5 months ago

O.o long!

marbs 18 years, 5 months ago

Does anybody know what Iced Gems are?
*gasp* Iced Gems! I love them!

sinkhead 18 years, 5 months ago

They're so addictive, I think they have some kind off addictant in them!

Omegasonic 18 years, 5 months ago

Very long blog! And if you think iced gems are addictive try rainbow drops (that actually got banned for a while because they DID have an addictive drug in them lol).

Anyway good story!

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 5 months ago

It was a sunny day and the sun was just rising over the tops of the houses

That's redundant! 69 for you!

rockyran 18 years, 5 months ago

You never start an essay with "it"

You phail.

Cesar 18 years, 5 months ago

true… true… or with 23…

sinkhead 18 years, 5 months ago

Why can nothing ever start with IT?

And I didn't in my final piece (which is a lot longer and more serious)

sinkhead 18 years, 5 months ago

Actually, it does sound much better without that first sentence,.,