Kayaking Trip

Posted by sinkhead on Oct. 22, 2006, 7:59 a.m.

So yesterday I went on a trip with my kayaking club. I've not blogged for ages so I guess I'll tell you all about it.

So, we got to the car park half an hour early, which beats being half an hour late like we usually are… This kayaking shop had set up a load of stalls and displays there, and you could demo a few. There were a few that were REALLY awesome, but you couldn't demo those ones.


At about 10:10 am most other people had turned up. Me and my friend Ben walked up the river to see the weir, which looked huge. More about that later.

So anyway. We get back and the kayaking group I'm with decide that they don't want to start at the Burrs, they want to start at Nutall Park, further up the river. So we load all the kayaks and people into 4 cars and vans (our car being one of them) and set off. When we got there it was pretty cool. We had to take our Kayaks across this field where a load of people were playing football. The referee shouted at us but never mind eh?

We got in the water and paddled downstream for about 3-4 hours. Because the water was very low it was scrape and bump most of the way. That makes it even more exciting.

Every so often we would come across a rapidy like bit, they were really fun! I got stuck on a few of them. but managed to get myself free on all but one where I ended up with my kayak wedged at 90 degrees between two upturned rocks…

But then we got to the weir. It's huge. Well, it's not really, but how does a 50 foot slope of freezing cold rushing water sound to you when you're approaching it in a small kayak?

It sounds damn fun. that's what it sounds!

So anyway, my friend's Dad took a picture of me at the top of the slope, just starting to come down.

<img src="http://64digits.com/users/sinkhead/BurrsWeir.png" />

Tis me in that yellow kayak =]

Then from the weir it was about 30 minutes before we were back at the car park at the place we were originally going to start. We loaded up the kayaks and set off home.

That probably wasn't very interesting to you, but what the hell…


Yeah, SodaHertz is coming along well. There's a new version of the forum software I'm using (<a href="http://scepbb.tintower.co.uk/download.php">ScepBB</a>) coming out in a few days, I'll wait for it to be released before I install it.

I've made a sample program to check the Hertz of a member and I would have the program be able to change a user's Hertz if I could find out the RC4 function for PHP, let along if my web host supports it.

Also, I've been thinking about getting a SuperCard and SuperKey which basically let you download games and homebrew off the internet, put it onto a memory card then play the games on your DS. They're quite expensive (see <a href="http://supercardstore.com">SuperCardStore.com</a>) but I'll ask my aunt for a SuperCard for Christmas and I'll but the SuperKey and memory card out of my menial paper round wages.

So, that was a long blog.

Did you read it all? If you did, have a cookie.

<b> - Sam</b>


Onyx 18 years, 4 months ago

Yay, a cookie! :D

Kayaking sounds like fun! There's only one problem: I swim like a brick XP

Oh, have you ever made a turn in a kayak? You know, you flip your kayak upside-down so you're in the water and then come back up? That sounds like fun.

sinkhead 18 years, 4 months ago

Yeah, it is fun!

And I can flip, but not very well!

If you capsize in yuor kayak you're supposed to stay in it and bakg your hands against the top of the kayak. Then someone rows over to ou and you use the front of their boat to flip yourself back up. More experiences people can just flip themselves back up with a paddle, I have no idea how [:P]

canttouchthis30 18 years, 4 months ago

Wheres my COOKIE!!!

Jabberwock 18 years, 4 months ago

I've always sort of wanted to go kayaking. But then I've always realized that I hate danger just in time. :P

smaksak 18 years, 4 months ago

you look happy =D

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 4 months ago

Kayaking is the man.

Bryan 18 years, 4 months ago

Kayaking is fun !

sinkhead 18 years, 4 months ago


marbs 18 years, 3 months ago

I love kayaking, but I've only ever done it in a slow boring river.

smarttart62 18 years, 3 months ago

ScepBB? Why not use SMF?
