i would like to thank Kaz for giving me a southpark dl site, but i want bittorent to go faster, its so fucking slow. im hungry……you know what sucks, at our school they dont evel et us have paint or use the internet on our computers. ive had a fucking headache all day and cant think of anything to type.some boondock quotesDoc: Why don't you make like a tree, and get the fuck outta here? Doc: You know what they say: People in glass houses sink sh… sh… sh… ships. Rocco: I got to buy you a proverb book or something, because this mix 'n' match shit's got to go. Doc: What? Connor: Well, a penny saved is worth two in the bush, isn't it? Murphy: And don't cross the road if you can't get out of the kitchen.Rocco: They can suck my pathetic little dick, and I'll dip my nuts in marinara sauce just so those fat bastards can get a taste of home while they're at it. meh i filled my blog with usless shitI got to buy you a proverb book or something, because this mix 'n' match shit's got to go
Posted by sk8m8trix on Nov. 2, 2006, 9:35 p.m.
No comment.
If torrents go really slow then it's probably because your router is blocking it. You need to portforward the ports on your router to allow incoming and outgoing connections.
I don't understand the point of flaming people. You just give them hits and it lets them know that they are pissing you off. If you really want to hurt somebody, ignore the hell out of them!
Yeah, you should be a stand-up comic. xD
Haha, you got 9 friends, if I add you; you'll get the 10 friends badge. Shall I add you, or not?