Sk8m8trix's Reign of Terror

Posted by sk8m8trix on March 2, 2007, 8:38 p.m.

Yes i am back, thanks to FSX. I have learned a lot on the time i was banned, and have visited this site frequently and have opinions about people and things. Also my spelling and grammar have improved, and ive learned a good amount of GML. Looks like i am going to have to find a new banner unless u guys like it. Well, welcome to my blog.


Puzlee is a game i started making in gml about 2 months ago, its a puzzle platformer im making (not recently) to learn a lot more gml.

–Invadors–(this is the way its spelled)

This is a retro/modern space shooting game, modeled after pheonix for the calculator. It has 6 levels and 2 modes. normal mode is like space invaders, everything is white with a black background. Special mode is a purple background with nice sprites. Also i have 3 weapons to destroy your foes with.

-Cross Shot: 2 bullets emitt from your gun crossing in mid flight hitting enemies on the edge of the map

-Double Shot: An extra 2 bullets emitt from the side of ur player going straight up

-Photon Torpedo: A brutal torpedo doing 10 damage and killing most week enemies in 1 shot


I just started an asteroids engin this morning and it is all in code except for the wraping functions, which are d&d. i need some code for screen wrap, if you dont know any i bet i could find one, i am getting way more experienced with GML.


I was just out skateboarding with my freinds, my arm hurts and i have been skateing a lot recently.


Ive seen a few movies recently and i ahve some ratings for them

Troy: overall good actors (brad pitt did an excelent job), good screen play, only thing is that it didint show much of the story as it was told in homers Iliad, are we to believe that the greeks conqured troy in 17 days?


Casino Royale: I think the new james bond did a good job filling the shoes of the old ones. I liked it a lot, except for that sceen where he drinks the spiked drink… IT WAS FUCKING FIZZING YOU RETARD!!! So eveyone should see it, especially since the first 30 min is just a parkour chase.


The Warriors: this overall one of the best movies ever made, especailly since it was made in 1979. The movie has so much to offer. It has clear dialect and good actors. And the characters true colors start to be revealled. The best scene was in the end when swan says "The best" after someone else says "you warriors are good". so there it sits in my hall of fame with "Battle Royale I and II" "The Boondock Saints" and "The Matrix I, II, III"


–64 Digits–

Yes I have been observing you guys, and you have deffinately lowered the bar for games and such. And a lot more games like "Free Rusty" and that bad space inavders one are appearing… So raise the bar "we need to do a little bit better out there boppers"

–Romeo and Juliet–

Well were reading the play in english and watching the movie… In the movie we got to see juliets titties for a split second ^_^. And of corse where would we be without a play presented by the school drama club. We got 3 hours off of classes to watch that yesterday. And teh bell rang twords the end and all the actors stopped and everyone left. I sort of wanted to see the end, but still good play. y freind Michle played Lord Montuge.


I finished this book allmost, only 50 pages left to read and im loving it. Especially the rage of archilles when he strikes down hector (3 times around Troy… WTF?).


Well now that im back and do not want to be banned again i shall make resolutions…

1. Spelling, i will try to spell better, and i have been since I learned GML, and if i do make an error dot go "OMG U THIPE LYKE DIS N00b!!!!!?!!11" just chillax

2. Cursing, i will curse LESS not stop cursing, hell i love to fucking cuss mate!

3. Quality, at Sk8m8trix games studio, we bring ingelligence and simplicity into our games. So be on the lookout for some of my new gml games. I am mostly trying to learn 3d and also remaking older games in full gml

randome hated user: gloth_games_studio (really, what was he thinking?)

random cool user: FSX (thanks man)

random user: Desert Fox

oh and my desert fox is broken, where do i get it repaired


1. Did u like Troy?

2. Did u like Casino Royale

3. Did u like The Warriors

4. Do u like gloth_games_studio?

5. Did u like the Iliad?

6. Are u happy im unbanned?

Oh and no games have been uploaded, and no screen shots either, because my wierless card got taken away (how i wish for a direct line)

Also i am currently learning 3d so hopefully i can make something good like JakeX's game…

Well peace.

Disclaimer: I am in no way responsiblle for your eyes burning out of your head because of spelling errors i might have. That is your own damn fault for being ignorant.


sk8m8trix 17 years, 9 months ago

uhuh.. thanks val3n ur mastermind correct?

well i submitted my invadros wip and puzlee as an exaple.. no. 53rd and 54th in queue

Rob 17 years, 9 months ago

no, hes mast3rbator.

hogofwar 17 years, 9 months ago

now who's the most hated person on 64digits now?

NeutralReiddHotel 17 years, 9 months ago

You and Rob pretty much.

Nah, just kidding Rob, but seriously, stfu.

marbs 17 years, 9 months ago

1. Yeah, it's a great film

2. Dito

3. hmm?

4. whassat?

5. Ditto

6. You seem to be a lot more…matured, so yeah. Just don't muck it up :P

Graydon 17 years, 9 months ago

If you want the wrapping in code:


poultry 17 years, 9 months ago

I still don't give him a second chance.

flashback 17 years, 9 months ago

I reserve judgement until a later time.

sk8m8trix 17 years, 9 months ago

okay then leave ChIkEn

OBELISK 17 years, 9 months ago
