Posted by sk8m8trix on April 2, 2007, 8:18 p.m.

Okay heres a little myth I wrote for English, tell em what you think and if you find any errors. Thanks, Its 9 pages so!

Act 1:

Scene 1: A Mystery

A bright light shines on the screen briefly rats scurrying in the darkness, we see a thing lying on the ground.

Rez: Ouch, where am I?

The figure stands up to what appears to be his full height; he stretches and looks around.

Rez: What is this place, I wasn’t here when I went to bed.

A light shines and a door opens, 3 men walk in, the king and 2 bodyguards.

King: So Rez I presume?

Rez: Who are you? What do you want?

King: Ah, ah questions. Answers are not to be given at this time. Come now and wait a bit, good time will answer all.

The king leaves and the bodyguards follow briefly. Rez grabs his pack off the ground and exits the room following the bodyguards.

Rez: Aye, this can’t be good.

Scene 2: Bandit Lord

Rez enters a dining hall with the king seated at one end of a long table. He motions for Rez to take a seat next to him. The king gives a long sigh.

King: You know, at one time this table used to be full. Long ago the Warriors of the Arcalyth sat here, the greatest defenders of the free world.

Rez: What happened to them sir?

King: It’s a long story.

Rez: Well I have a lot of time.

Scene 3: Flashback

The screen fades to gloom. The king is narrating the story.

King: Power, power happened to them.

We see a soldier bending down and picking something up out of the sand.

King: They were engulfed by the dark power of the obelisk scroll until they became no more.

The soldier opens his hands revealing a scroll. Then he quickly claps it shut.

King: The warriors used the scroll to take over the world.

We see an army storming a castle in the gloom.

King: They lost all conscience of good and bad. They were brutal, killing woman, children, old and young.

Soldiers step onto a valley over looking a peasant village, the woman outside washing the laundry all look up at them.

Rez: What happened to them?

King: The scroll engulfed them, and they are now the undead spirits guarding it.

Show the soldiers storming an army, and then dissipating into dust before they collided into battle.

Scene 4: Firestorm

Rez: But what dose this have to do with me?

King: Long ago one of the warriors, a troll by the name of Kaz, gave birth to a son. His son was taken by bandits and Kaz swore his revenge, but he never got it.

Rez: Wait hold on a second, are you saying…?

King: Yes, we need you to retrieve the scroll. You have left quite a mark on this world, as one of the strongest assassins alive.

Rez: But still, who are you?

King: This may come as a shock to you, but my name is (pause) Firestorm.

Rez jumps back and lands on the table; he reaches for his sword finding it’s not in its sheath. Firestorm holds up the sword.

King: Looking for this?

Rez charges at the king and is instantly knocked back by a blast of energy. He kneels on the ground groaning with pain. Firestorm walks over to him.

King: You are a bitter fool Rez, acting higher and mightier than most, just like your father.

Scene 5: Flashback

We see Kaz bending over to pick something up out of the sand; he looks at it and turns it over in his hand. Firestorm approaches him from behind.

Firestorm: Destroy it Kaz, End this cursed battle.

Kaz turns around and faces Firestorm, his eyes look at the scroll; he looks up a Firestorm, his eyes flaming red.

Kaz: Why? Why should I be denied the power that I have fought so hard for?

Firestorm: NOOOOO!

Firestorm charges at Kaz and is set flying into a bed of rocks by a flaming burst of light. Kaz emerges from the light glowing black and red.

Kaz: Firestorm you are a fool and forever you shall pay.

Kaz walks out of the screen and we see Firestorms unconscious body lying in the rocks.

Scene 6: Warrior Within

Firestorm: Now listen to me Rez, and listen well. You must complete this mission to bring peace to this world and rest your father’s soul. You fist must go talk to the prophet Andes who lives at the gate of the Forbidden Mountain, the gateway to the scroll lies there.

Rez: Okay, but where do I find these mountains?

Firestorm: Travel 10 miles due north and the gate to the forbidden mountains will be there.

We see Firestorm thrown Rez’s sword at him and Rez catches it, picks up his pack, and exits.

Firestorm: There goes one brave warrior, hopefully it will be enough.

Scene 7: Forbidden Mountains

We see Rez approaching the gate of the Forbidden Mountains, we also see Andes the old prophet standing outside. Rez approaches Andes.

Rez: Hello Andes, my name is…

Andes: Rez.

Rez: Okay? Well anyway, I’m here to…

Andes: Find the evil scroll and save the world?

Rez: You seriously have to stop doing that.

Andes: It’s my nature, I am a prophet.

Andes points at the door behind him which suddenly creaks open.

Andes: Beyond this path lies a trail of certain danger, only the brave and strong willed can make it through.

Rez: I am ready, let me go, this mater is rather personal.

Andes: Son of Kaz, beware, not all can tame the heart of Kaz.

Rez: It’s high time someone tried.

Rez ventures into the darkness of the Forbidden Mountains.

Chapter 8: Inside the Caverns

We see Rez inside the dark mountains venturing through a series of tunnels.

Rez: Hmm, these tunnels look very complex; I better drop some rope so I know my way back.

Rez bends over and ties some twine to a boulder and continues his walk.

Rez: Better take the tunnel on the left, my father always had some fascination with that direction.

Rez walks into the left tunnel for about 1000 paces and we hear a small cutting sound and Rez’s twine comes back to him. Rez looks around and draws his sword.

Rez: Who’s out there?

We see a shadow shooting by and Rez grabs a throwing knife and throws it at the shadow. We hear a groan and a thud. Rez walks over and sees it’s a man with the knife pinning his ankle to the ground.

Abacus: Please don’t hurt me! I was just following orders.

Rez pulls the knife out of the man and proceeds to interrogate him.

Rez: Who are you?

Abacus: I am Abacus defender of these caverns; I was enslaved by Kaz and the Warriors of the Arcalyth long ago.

Rez: Well why did you cut my twine?

Abacus: Kaz made me; he’s intent on stopping you.

Rez: well now you will lead me to the lions den.

Chapter 9: Taming the Lion

Abacus and Rez enter the chamber where Kaz is sitting on a throne.

Kaz: Well, well, well; what do we have here? I see you found my faithful servant, who apparently isn’t that faithful.

Abacus: I’m sorry sir, he caught me!

Kaz: Well that’s just the problem we need to fix.

Abacus: No, please master!

Kaz snaps his finger sending Abacus into the air screaming and jerking around painfully. Finally Abacus stops jerking and is dropped to the ground.

Kaz: Time for problem number 2.

Kaz turns to face Rez and starts casting lighting bolts down from the ceiling above him.

Rez: Do it! Kill your own kin!

Kaz: Okay, prepare for death, I have no son!

Kaz thrusts his energy forward and the lightning stops.

Kaz: I… I… I can’t do it. I’m sorry son.

Rez: I know dad.

The temple around them shakes violently.

Rez: What is happening?

Kaz: The scroll is being destroyed, Run Rez run!

Scene 10: Death of Andes

Rez runs out of the temple with a burning inferno blasting behind him. He jumps and crashes into Andes.

Andes: What happened?

Rez: well apparently I tamed the heart of Kaz.

Abacus appears out of the temple remains.

Abacus: Thought I was dead huh? Its time for you to die Rez! And I shall rule the world!

Rez: Never!

Rez grabs a knife and hurls it at Abacus who catches it.

Abacus: Heh, doesn’t always work huh?

Abacus chucks the knife at Rez who dodges; we hear a groan and Andes drops dead.

Rez: No! I will have your head for this, revenge is mine!

Rez grabs his sword and charges Abacus who tries to run. Rez flips over Abacus and spins with his sword cutting Abacus in half.

Abacus: Ugh!

Rez runs over to the dying body of Andes.

Rez: No, Andes I’m sorry.

Andes: Its okay, remember who you are Rez and never forget the powerful lesson you learned…

Rez: What lesson?

Andes last words get caught in the echoing wind. “Love conquers all, love conquers allâ€?

Well that took 5 hours of my time, Special thanks to Andes for making me this beautiful Chinese background. Thanks man!


Rob 17 years, 11 months ago

Wow, I actually read all that… I must be really bored.

sk8m8trix 17 years, 11 months ago

No more retarded posts on my wall please.

poultry 17 years, 11 months ago

I'm not reading all of that… just make a summary plz

shawn 17 years, 11 months ago


MooshteRahoo 17 years, 11 months ago


MooshteRahoo 17 years, 11 months ago

what happened to REZ?