Posted by sk8m8trix on July 19, 2007, 4:12 a.m.

That bastard GP is back again. I will not stand for this shit. So its time to fight fire with fire, yes in a state of emergency I say that we use terrorism. We have enough experienced users to make him pay, so lets do it.

Quote: Friggin In The Riggin

It was on the good ship Venus

By Christ, you should've seen us

The figurehead was a whore in bed

And the mast was a mammoth penis

The captain of this lugger

He was a dirty bugger

He wasn't fit to shovel shit

From one place to another


Friggin' in the riggin'

Friggin' in the riggin'

Friggin' in the riggin'

There was fuck all else to do

The captain's name was Morgan

By Christ, he was a gorgon

Ten times a day sweet tunes he'd play

On his fucking organ

The first mate's name was Cooper

By Christ he was a trooper.

He jerked and jerked until he worked

Himself into a stupor


The second mate was Andy

By Christ, he had a dandy

Till they crushed his cock with a jagged rock

For cumming in the brandy

The cabin boy was Flipper

He was a fucking nipper

He stuffed his ass with broken glass

And circumcised the skipper


The Captain's wife was Mabel

To fuck she was not able

So the dirty shits, they nailed her tits

Across the barroom table

The Captain had a daughter

Who fell in deep sea water

Delighted squeals revealed that eels

Had found 'er sexual quarters

[Repeat Chorus to Fade]

That song ricks, hell the Sex Pistols rock, hell the whole Bloody genre of British punk music rocks! (except for Elvis Costello Because he is a fag)

Summer sucks. Theres nothing to do, today I went to my friend Tim's house and had some fun. Lately Ive been taking some trips along the desolate strips of roads in St. Louis, hell I could probably walk to Takagi's house in an hour (I don't know his address though). And this Saturday when everyone is fucking indulging themselves with Harry potter I will be in six flags riding The Ninja 1000 times, "why?" you ask; because that is my fucking favorite ride in the world and the lines are always short!

Well thats it. Rock on ²³


V 17 years, 5 months ago

Game pwner = Pure 100% fag, squeezed out of the bowels of the internet. No pulp.

IdiotProof 17 years, 5 months ago

Terrorism? What are we going to do? Suicide bomb his computer? lol.

eagly 17 years, 5 months ago

(except for Elvis Costello Because he is a fag)
Pfft. You have no taste.

Summer sucks. Theres nothing to do
… I'm going to pretend I didn't read that.