Teflon Man²³

Posted by sk8m8trix on Nov. 30, 2007, 7:56 p.m.

Quote: The Teflon Man

It's okay

If you spill your wine

On the Teflon Man

He don't care

it just rolls off of him

He's just a nonstick pan

The Teflon Man


The Teflon Man


He's just a Teflon Man

Walking through life

Nothing stays on him

He just slides right through

Without a care

He's… Frictionless

The Teflon Man


The Teflon Man


One day… The Teflon Man

Met a nice Teflon Woman

They tried to hug

But he slid past her

Falling on the floor

The Teflon Man


The Teflon Man


He's just a Teflon Man

Walking through life

Nothing stays on him

He just slides right through

Without a care

He's… Frictionless

The Teflon Man


The Teflon Man


He lay there on the ground

Shattered into pieces

Broken kaleidescope style

And the Teflon Girl

She slid on past

Waving back at him

There wasn't much

That she could do

Cause her world was Teflon too

Yeah I wrote that song.

So I'm making a new zombie game, it's called Operation Conflict: Force. It's coming along really well. So I'm quite pleased. Also my sister got 3rd in the regional vocabulary contest, my friend Rajiv got first. So he's going to California. So yeah, life is the same old repeating blur its always been. I started drawing a little, I shall show you some of my drawings.

God Save the Queen

A Tribute to Jimi Hendrix

That be blog I guesses…


omgaghost 17 years, 2 months ago

God save the queen is that song without words, right?