So yeah, life is happening. I finally got a girlfriend. Her name is Lucy, she lives in an apple tree in my head, deal with it.
I haven't been doing much, just been working on my Zombie game. *waits for people to get excited*Well if you're not excited do I look like I give a shit? Nope, remeber, the only thing special and unique about you is you ip address.Anyway, about my game. Its called Operation Quarantine: FORCE. Its a TDS with zombies, yeah I know, sounds fucking awesome huh?Basically its just like the Resident Evil 4 Mercenary mini-game only in top down from and not as good looking. I did give my friend a demo and he got addicted so heres a screen shot. Yeah shit-tastic sprites, I'm going to revamp them so shuttaup.Yeah, see the particle explosions, yeah, that shows how much better I am than you.So in movies, I watched Fight Club and I have yet to get a copy of the book to read. And I'm watching Taxi Driver, I also saw Children of Men and Die Hard, Children of Men was spectacular, Die Hard was pretty good also.For my web design final I'm doing a website for my new webcomic, it should appear on twisternet next week. The comic is basically about talking food who have a rock band the guitarist is Carrot, the singer is an emo onion (if you don't see the pun you must die), and the drummer is Squash, he's an eggplant of sorts. I am also thinking about adding a rival band headed by notorious punk rocker Agent Orange.So yeah fuck off, this is my page. If don't like you don't whine, go back to my old blogs to see what I had to put up with when I first joined. It toughens you up, so take my insults as guides to better your life.Sk8 - Out
@beam yes i know she is taking my over the border today to ick up some fireworks without question actually it was her idea…. like WTF…
Fight club is a good movie. But it's prety strange at times. The Rock is another favorite of mine,(With Sean Connery and Nick Cage, not the Wrestler.)
Stop trying to be smart George. I'm an anarchist, I believe in peace. Survival of the fittest could be something I believe in, especially since it apply to more primitive times where there were no rules.
If your classmates kill themselves they are nothing more than Kurt Cobain fags.Also you fail. Go toughen up more.That hud's a bit bulky in my opinion. But you don't care about my opinion. And i don't care that you don't care. Alright, good talk.